Hoping the former prosecutor, DA and AG will “heal the nation” by locking his ass up

    by ExactlySorta


    1. ABeardedRabbit on

      Pardoning Nixon was the first stone laid in the road that brought us f*cking here in the first place.

    2. All the paid advisors profit from the current situation and don’t want to see it changed. Putting the Mango behind bars threatens their livelihood.

    3. Malicious_blu3 on

      Kamala has signaled that she plans to let the courts decide. A pardon would flout any court decision to convict.

    4. “Heal your cut by not cleaning the wound.”

      The Republican Party is a deep, deep infection caused by this same ridiculous notion of zero accountability.

    5. GingeritisMaximus on

      Trial for treason, death penalty on the table. For everyone involved. WWII could have been prevented if Hitler was beheaded after his coup attempt. Learn that lesson.

    6. Nixon was pardoned by his own VP after he resigned, very different situation.

      Also Nixon never really took his BS as far as Trump did. He resigned so the country could move on and not tear itself apart over his crimes. I always figured Nixon and Ford probably discussed the resignation and the pardon as a package deal beforehand. Trump is the opposite, he’s actively stoking the flames of civil war.

      If Harris wins, keep in mind she had the perspective of a criminal prosecutor. She has spent a long time dealing with BS arguments that criminals use to try to get out of crimes. I doubt she’ll actively push the Ag to prosecute him but she’ll stand back and let them do their jobs. And given sufficient evidence, I’m sure any AG she chooses would be happy to go after him.

      Edit: she’d nominate an AG not DA

    7. Banish him to a prison where he has no contact with the outside world. For his crimes, that he has ALREADY BEEN convicted of.

    8. He literally wants military tribunals for anyone that has hurt his fragile ego at any point in his life. So no a pardon doesn’t fix that problem!

    9. Let’s make sure Harris wins the White House before worrying about what to do about Trump.

      Vote like your freedom and future depend upon it. Because they do.

    10. That would only convince Magats that he was being persecuted all along. No, no, a thousand times no.

    11. She should out anybody saying that so they can be voted out next. It you honestly think pardoning Trump would be a good idea get the fuck out of our government.

    12. itzabigrsekret on

      Dem’s need to assertively practice the coup de grace.

      When Trump loses- have no mercy.

    13. Emotional_Narwhal304 on

      I just want her AG to swiftly and *aggressively* launch internal investigations on republican senators and congressmen that took part in J6 and project 2025. Same for Thomas and Alito regarding failure to disclose, failure to recuse, and political collusion between the republican party and the Supreme Court. Investigations into Trump campaign colluding with Judge Cannon. I’d also like federal investigations into DeSantis and Abbott for human trafficking across state lines. Plus a huge investigation into project 2025 and the out-on-the-open plot to subvert voting laws with fake electors and voter intimidation.

      And yes, pedal to the metal, full steam ahead on all of Trump’s court cases. Televised. Much of the above is dependant on democrats actually keeping the senate, taking congress and being bold. Crossing fingers…

    14. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      Right after January 6th, my Trump loving dad was walking around saying that Joe Biden needed to pardon Donald Trump in order to heal the nation.

      I didn’t put up with that for 5 seconds, after watching him spend years calling for the imprisonment or outright murder of any prominent Democrat that Fox News complained about.

      It’s a dumb idea and these people only ask for it when they know that they are caught red-handed doing bad shit. We should have punished the ever-living fuck out of the South for the civil war and made sure the governments they set up were not more racist bullshit.

      Nixon should never have been pardoned and should have gone on trial for his crimes.

      Reagan should have been prosecuted for Iran Contra

      Time for some personal fucking responsibility.

    15. Heal the nation by demonstrating that the justice system actually works. The other path is blood.

    16. super_sucky_reddit on

      Trump would just double down on the attacks and still try to incite violence against Harris if she pardoned him. This fuckers hate will only end when he shuffles off his mortal coil.

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