Slavery was one of the most appalling parts of modern history

    by Regina_Lapis


    1. Her name was Marie-Cessette Dumas. Dumas means “of the farm”.


      This practice happened in all American slave-owning colonies (Sally Hemings is one of the most famous) but was much more widespread in the French and Spanish American colonies due to the relative lack of white women there.

    2. I honestly get annoyed when fellow Americans brush it off and say “slavery happened everywhere”. Almost as if there’s some way that this statement just diminishes our entire history and everything that happened to each other and peoples’s ancestors. Also, I live in the US, so the roots of peoples history and what happened relating to their lineage where they live, and their origins where their family’s began, matter, especially relating to America’s history and how it began and how they also took part in the slave trade. It can’t just be negated because “it happened everywhere”. Just my opinion.
      I just want to be treated equally, and more often than not than not thankfully, I am. But a lot of people are proud of their family history, so other people deserve to know theirs too, without whitewashing it or pretending it didn’t happen. It’s just really really wild to me that that there are still racist people to this day, lol.

    3. Brown_Panther- on

      > You’re brooding about me getting the best of ya, huh?

      > Actually, I was thinking of that poor devil you fed to the dogs today, D’Artagnan. And I was wondering what Dumas would make of all this.

      > Come again?

      > Alexander Dumas. He wrote “The Three Musketeers.” I figured you must be an admirer. You named your slave after his novel’s lead character. If Alexander Dumas had been there today, I wonder what he would have made of it?

      > You doubt he’d approve?

      > Yes. His approval would be a dubious proposition at best.

      > Soft hearted Frenchie.

      > Alexander Dumas was black.

    4. elgigantedelsur on

      Slavery is one of the most appalling parts of ALL of history, from the dawn of time up to today. 

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