Megalomaniac’s Audience Gets Abandoned

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Someone needs ask the mayor if he has something to do with the campaign not caring about the unwashed masses stranded after a rally?

    2. Just remember: this is a preview. When they’re done strip mining you for whatever they want at the moment, they’re just going to leave you to die.

    3. Trump needs to put a post out telling these idiots that there was lots of washrooms and there was no wait time because they will believe it and everything will be fine in the MAGit world

    4. changeforgood30 on

      Later Trump will post it was an amazing rally and no one was stranded.

      The cult is strong enough that the people stranded there will still believe it, disbelieving their own eyes and experience.

      “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

    5. Maybe they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and lay off the Starbucks and avocado toasts and then they can make that walk. Sad.

    6. Trump happened!

      He’s said before that he didn’t care about his voters – he just wants their votes.

    7. Maybe they will wander the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and miss their opportunity to vote. 🤞

    8. HaraldWurlitzer on

      The ways of the Lord are not easy, but we were not created for an easy life.
      Or in other words: I really don’t care. Do you?

    9. I think it would be brilliant if the Harris campaign sent branded buses to pick these folks up and take them back to their cars…

    10. Generic-Schlub on

      I’ve been saying this for days. What the hell was the point of this rally? We’re in crunch time for the election, and Trump has a worse chance at winning California than my cat has at winning the popular vote. Why would he campaign in California. It’s a stupid decision that won’t help him win. Can he please only hold rallies here for the rest of the election?

      Obligatory cat tax:

    11. What did Kamala say? Go to his rallies. See for yourself.


    12. Is this same speech where trump open admitted he would withhold federal money to California for disaster assistance?

      Then good. Leave those assholes out there. Clearly trump hates the state so why should they help his ancient ass out?

    13. toooooold4this on

      Nefarious and criminal is the best most accurate description of a Trump rally. All of them should be described this way.

    14. Magats: “trump cares about us”

      [Maga dumbasses get stranded after trump rally]

      Same magats: “This must be Democrats doing, cause trump cares about us”

      Trump: “I don’t care if you die, I just want your vote”

      Same magats: “trump cares about us”

    15. Gee 🤔 if his team can’t handle the logistics for a rally, how are they…?

      Oh well, mansplaing won’t do any good when there are only children voting for him 🤷‍♂️

    16. Hahaha “I went to a criminal’s rally and…hold on something about this feels criminal 🤔”

    17. People are surprised? He does this all the time and then has to find new cities to rally in, because he’s not paying them either.

      This is a taste of peoples future. Trump doesn’t care about you, he’s using people to get out of jail.

    18. goddessdontwantnone on

      The same thing happened in the winter back in the day.

      Newsflash. They don’t care about you. They want your vote and your money for those sweet Trump Bibles and coins.

      You expect them to run the country and they couldn’t manage a Denny’s on a Wednesday night.

    19. why would someone hold a rally somewhere so hard to get to? them blame that on the mayor?

      maybe the campaign had *concepts* of transportation 🤷🏽‍♂️

    20. Lol the funny thing is the Democrats don’t have this problem because they set up busses to take people from parking to venue.

      And then the right goes “look they are bussing people in to the rallies!!! The crowds are fake!!!”

      Bunch of fucking morons.

    21. They don’t see it AT ALL that this is trumps fault, they NEED to blame a liberal like their orange savior will do all week among other despicable disgusting things because he’s a huge piece of shit

    22. “This is not normal and feels nefarious and criminal.”

      Well you ARE voting for a criminal. And no, none of this is normal. Glad to see you’re standing to see that, if even just a little.

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