Maybe they can go to “whatever makes sense”

    by Ok-Strawberry-9474


    1. DonJuniorsEmails on

      Was he pretending to not hear the question, or was he pouty and annoyed that Fox dared to ask him a serious question?

    2. NightchadeBackAgain on

      He’s afraid to say it out loud, the fucking coward.

      They don’t care where they go, or if they get help.

    3. Let’s just be blunt here. JD doesn’t give a rats ass where women go for medical care. If he should happen to “inconvenience” a woman while pandering lies to the meanspirited, selfish, non-critically thinking “base” he and Trump have garnered? So much the better.

    4. PastorNTraining on

      “Whatever make sense” before abortion was dangerous back alley procedures, wire hangers and dangerous substances that could induce abortion – and kill the mother.

      “Whatever makes sense” is letting women have healthcare access, which abortion is.

    5. Is she going to get fired for actually asking a legitimate question? One that every human in the US should be deeply concerned with. You know since every single one of use came out of a woman.

    6. Prize-Watch-2257 on

      I’m telling you all, Trump won’t see it this term, and this will be the president.

      I hope I’m wrong.

    7. Vance is really skilled at dodging questions or spinning topics he doesn’t like, until you notice it. His debate performance was just that, a performance. He answers next to nothing, lies constantly, and ignores any opposition to his talking points. At first it seems like he’s somewhat composed and agile, until you realize he’s just got nothing to actually stand on.

    8. Surprised he didn’t ask how long she’s been working there. He’s so good at making small talk. /s

    9. Republicans have been providing the narrative that Planned Parenthood is performing abortions using tax payer funds for years now. They have no choice but to run on the idea of defunding it even though it’s not at all what they claim it is.

      Legally, they’re not allowed to use tax payer funds for abortions, so they don’t.

    10. How is this at all a close election? Stuff like this is enough to make me believe in chemtrails.

    11. I’m shocked that Fox “News” allowed ACTUAL facts about Planned Parenthood to be broadcast!

    12. Almostsuicide1234 on

      Well, Karen, you see… The cruelty is the point! We couldn’t give a single fuck about fetuses that aren’t our own, but this is all part of a much larger plan. First, we subjugate women. Next, we subjugate everyone that isn’t a rich, white, Cristofascist male.

    13. downhereforyoursoul on

      He’s a radtrad Catholic; he thinks birth control should be banned, just like abortion. He probably thinks that if a woman has cervical cancer, it’s God’s punishment for having sex.

      Of course he doesn’t give a shit if women lose access to important healthcare—that’s the fucking point.

    14. The Murdoch inheritance court case must have the more sane Fox journalists starting to wonder if they’ll still have their jobs if they don’t start getting a bit better at them.

    15. More women will get sick or die. Vance doesn’t care. He and Trump are both sociopaths.

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