This is my porn

    by Decent_Buy_9284


    1. Tesla benefited from getting out ahead of the pack early on, then they decided to try and coast on their reputation, and everyone else caught up and passed. Maybe if they had a competent leader at the helm…

    2. IrrelevantManatee on

      Not sure what the facepalm here is ? It was pretty much expected that Tesla sales would go down when other auto makers comes out with viable alternative. Tesla is still doing great, even if sales are down. They still make billions.

    3. Bet all those investors are happy about Elon’s $56 billion pay package right about now.

    4. The facepalm here is that ppl don’t understand that once you are as dominant as Tesla was, the only way in market share (%) is down.

    5. Lots of Porsche and Rivians in my neighborhood. Used to be teslas all over 8 years ago.

      Competition can be a beautiful thing.

    6. Teslas have some of the most boring interiors in any car. I would never buy one, even if Elmo would not own it.

    7. I love electric cars but whenever I’ve been in the market the build quality on a Tesla is by far the worst of any of the options I was considering. Legit feels like a tin can rattling down the highway. Such a noisy, uncomfortable, and cheaply built ride.

    8. eVerYtHiNgIsTaKeN-_- on

      You’ve fucked up when German car manufacturers outgrow you in your own EV home turf.

    9. Careful-Swimmer-2658 on

      At this point in Elmo’s transformation from tech pioneer to fascist Bond villain I’m amazed anyone who doesn’t share his opinions would want to be seen anywhere near a Tesla.

    10. In case you didn’t know:
      Tesla is a bigger financial scam than Enron, lots of people think it’s the biggest series of financial crimes in history. Basically he inflates Tesla stock by BRAZENLY LYING about EVERY aspect of Tesla, from made up sales figures to hugely inflated production numbers to the capability of “driverless AI”, the timetables of all these promised deliverables like the Roadster, the robo taxi, the robot, the semi, the full self driving capability, everything always promised to be just 1-2 years away… For 10+ years. Stuff like taking in like $100M in cash from customers doing pre-orders of the phantom “Tesla Roadster” like *7 YEARS AGO* that STILL hasn’t materialized, basically just stole so those people’s money and delivered them absolutely nothing… just constantly making public statements and LYING about all this stuff in order to make people think the company is about to start making a bunch of money, which it never has, but yet it’s market capitalization (the combined value of all current Tesla stock) means Tesla is somehow supposedly worth more than Ford, GM, Toyota, and Chevrolet *combined*, despite never having produced even a fraction of the cars that all those companies have made and despite never having ACTUALLY EARNED EVEN A FRACTION OF THE PROFITS OF ALL OF THOSE COMPANIES, Musk is just constantly LYING publicly, on podcasts and TV interviews, about Tesla’s earnings reports and forever promising all this magical new tech that never materializes, he’s constantly lying about doing stock buybacks while personally DUMPING ALL THE MAXIMUM AMOUNTS OF TESLA STOCK HE’S LEGALLY ALLOWED TO SELL (especially right after LYING very publicly about something just to inflate the stock price), just a bunch of totally blatantly ILLEGAL stock manipulation techniques and a LOT of investors are going to be left holding the bag when he finally gets arrested, the truth comes out, and the whole damn thing IMPLODES.

    11. In case you didn’t know:

      Tesla is a bigger financial scam than Enron, lots of people think it’s the biggest series of financial crimes in history.  Basically he inflates Tesla stock by BRAZENLY LYING about EVERY aspect of Tesla, from made up sales figures to hugely inflated production numbers to the capability of “driverless AI”, the timetables of all these promised deliverables like the Roadster, the robo taxi, the robot, the semi, the full self driving capability, everything always promised to be just 1-2 years away… For 10+ years.   Stuff like taking in like $100M in cash from customers doing pre-orders of the phantom “Tesla Roadster” like *7 YEARS AGO* that STILL hasn’t materialized, basically just stole so those people’s money and delivered them absolutely nothing… just constantly making public statements and LYING about all this stuff in order to make people think the company is about to start making a bunch of money, which it never has, but yet it’s market capitalization (the combined value of all current Tesla stock) means Tesla is somehow supposedly worth more than Ford, GM, Toyota, and Chevrolet *combined*, despite never having produced even a fraction of the cars that all those companies have made and despite never having ACTUALLY EARNED EVEN A FRACTION OF THE PROFITS OF ALL OF THOSE COMPANIES, Musk is just constantly LYING publicly, on podcasts and TV interviews, about Tesla’s earnings reports and forever promising all this magical new tech that never materializes, he’s constantly lying about doing stock buybacks while personally DUMPING ALL THE MAXIMUM AMOUNTS OF TESLA STOCK HE’S LEGALLY ALLOWED TO SELL (especially right after LYING very publicly about something just to inflate the stock price), just a bunch of totally blatantly ILLEGAL stock manipulation techniques and a LOT of investors are going to be left holding the bag when he finally gets arrested, the truth comes out, and the whole damn thing IMPLODES.

    12. Have a look at the Chinese EVs. They are miles ahead of Europe and the US. I just watched a documentary on them and was blown away. Europe placed a ban on them first, saying they could not trust the software followed by the USA.
      But it was all about protecting their industry’s, they are so far ahead that they would eat them alive.
      With that all said, I would prefer European and US cars sping on me than a Chinese car.

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