And you know that painting was whatever their equivalent of a filter or photoshop was back then right
FuzzyPenguin-gop on
Nahh don’t do my boy Phillip like that, he is gorgeous.
Patient_Gamemer on
Enough to make a girl go crazy
lesser_panjandrum on
Well the portrait doesn’t show his huge… tract of land.
Nyarlathotep90 on
Wasn’t it a hing that most of those nicknames were sarcastic?
Batmack8989 on
No evident health issues, what else would they want?
SpectralMapleLeaf on
I’m from the 1500s, and I can say that is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in my life.
the_battle_bunny on
He was a scion of one of the wealthiest dynasties of the world.
He got like +100 to attractiveness modifier just from that.
Dinuclear_Warfare on
Redpillers: your great great great great grandfathers had to put in a quarter of the work to be called handsome
xXJojo_ReferenceXx on
He was only lacking 4 teeth!
SatansMoisture on
Dude kinda looks like the kid who played McLovin
ChuckVideogames on
Look, he’s the king of half of the planet, he doesn’t have any evident malformations because of inbreeding, and he looks like he still has most of his teeth. That’s the most attractive man in the world at the time.
Rauispire-Yamn on
Nah, nah, you see my friends. It’s like with Napoleon, he he. He is just above average for his time totally
Orcbenis on
those habsburgs set the bar too high for the rest of us 😔
MiZe97 on
What’s “attractive” varies wildly over time. I mean, just look at the different styles in the 20th century alone.
BoxingCook15 on
I mean, by Habsburg standards he is fairly handsome.
blaze-batton on
A well bathing and grooming can actually not make you look shz, Anglo women thought of it when it comes to Vikings
PloddingAboot on
Yeah but he has all his teeth and no pox scars
TokyoGuy1111 on
Probably was named this by his grandma
OneWholeBen on
Weak ass chin, dorky hair cut, narrow-set eyes.
He would have gotten bullied for being ugly in my highschool
Annual_Use_3431 on
Looks like bad fan art of Adam Driver.
stevemnomoremister on
He was known by several different names, but I guess “Philip the Ugly Hot” didn’t catch on.
Al_from_the_north on
The poor friar look could get you somewhere back then. Some people today is still trying it out. Just look at Raiders owner Mark Davis. -It still works!
His barber did him dirty
And you know that painting was whatever their equivalent of a filter or photoshop was back then right
Nahh don’t do my boy Phillip like that, he is gorgeous.
Enough to make a girl go crazy
Well the portrait doesn’t show his huge… tract of land.
Wasn’t it a hing that most of those nicknames were sarcastic?
No evident health issues, what else would they want?
I’m from the 1500s, and I can say that is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in my life.
He was a scion of one of the wealthiest dynasties of the world.
He got like +100 to attractiveness modifier just from that.
Redpillers: your great great great great grandfathers had to put in a quarter of the work to be called handsome
He was only lacking 4 teeth!
Dude kinda looks like the kid who played McLovin
Look, he’s the king of half of the planet, he doesn’t have any evident malformations because of inbreeding, and he looks like he still has most of his teeth. That’s the most attractive man in the world at the time.
Nah, nah, you see my friends. It’s like with Napoleon, he he. He is just above average for his time totally
those habsburgs set the bar too high for the rest of us 😔
What’s “attractive” varies wildly over time. I mean, just look at the different styles in the 20th century alone.
I mean, by Habsburg standards he is fairly handsome.
A well bathing and grooming can actually not make you look shz, Anglo women thought of it when it comes to Vikings
Yeah but he has all his teeth and no pox scars
Probably was named this by his grandma
Weak ass chin, dorky hair cut, narrow-set eyes.
He would have gotten bullied for being ugly in my highschool
Looks like bad fan art of Adam Driver.
He was known by several different names, but I guess “Philip the Ugly Hot” didn’t catch on.
The poor friar look could get you somewhere back then. Some people today is still trying it out. Just look at Raiders owner Mark Davis. -It still works!