Everyday life in North Korea filmed from China

    by Chaunc2020


    1. I saw that there was a recent post about North Korea here and I just wanted to sorta piggyback off that to let those of you are interested in subject matter pertaining to North Korea that on Kuaishou, an app similar to TikTok, thousands of Chinese people have uploaded tons of videos on the country. All you have to do is search for the country in Chinese on the app and there you go. It is pretty interesting I suppose.

    2. Unrelated and this is most likely me having false knowledge but I always thought Korea is in north of Japan and not directly connected to the land of China.

      I was wondering how these videos are captured since they’re in the middle of the sea (me with my wrong information). Then I checked the map and found out that their land is connected with China.

      This is like a Mandela effect for me but it’s more like I just learned it by mistake when I was a child and did not bother checking all these years. (I had this wrong knowledge ever since elementary school as it turns out)

      edit: Yes, I do feel dumb right now.

    3. Ffs I thought they were eating rocks in that first glimpse of the transition to the quarry.

    4. Open_Potato_5686 on

      Those living in the # 1 country in Taiwan are so much more happier and free and don’t have to deal with Pooh

    5. WellThatsJustPerfect on

      First time I’ve ever seen a construction site with so many women working. It’s like 50/50

    6. FrabjousPhaneron on

      I’m surprised that taxis in NK are actually labelled 택시. I thought they avoided Konglish at all costs up there.

    7. I think they should all be walking around wearing helmets. Anyway, I am honestly hopeful the people of North Korea can somehow get their freedom.

    8. Aggravating-Use-7456 on

      “How much do YOU love Dear Leader?”

      “Oh Dear Leader is all I think about about from morning till night!”

      “I also revere Dear Leader and devote all my thoughts and love towards him at all times!”

      “We are happy!”

      this is literally all I can imagine their conversations being.

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