Persecution of Christians are ignored.

    by Slow-Pie147


    1. 1)The Almohads wreaked enormous destruction on the Christian population of Iberia. Tens of thousands of the native Christians in Iberia (Hispania) were deported from their ancestral lands to Africa by the Almoravids and Almohads.They suspected that the Christians could pose as a fifth column that could potentially help their coreligionists in the north of Iberia. Many Christians died en route to north Africa during these expulsions. 2)Christians under the Almoravids suffered persecutions and mass expulsions to Africa. In 1099 the Almoravids sacked the great church of the city of Granada. In 1101 Christians fled from the city of Valencia to the Catholic kingdoms. In 1106 the Almoravids deported Christians from Malaga to Africa. In 1126, after a failed Christian rebellion in Granada, the Almoravids expelled the city’s entire Christian population to Africa. And in 1138, Ibn Tashufin forcibly took many thousands of Christians with him to Africa. 3)In 1066 a Muslim mob murdered nearly 4000 Jews in Granada (the first major pogrom to occur in Europe

    2. TheHistoryMaster2520 on

      Doesn’t shock me in the slightest that Muslim states and dynasties varied in their treatment of non-Muslims throughout history.

      Even for the Almoravids and Almohads, their anti-Christian sentiment wasn’t consistent throughout, as they were willing to use and recruit Christian mercenaries like Reverter de la Guardia, visconde de Barcelona, against their Muslim enemies

    3. high_king_noctis on

      They were so extremist in their views that even Muslims were fleeing to the catholic monarchies for safety

    4. In all fairness that came a bit later down the line. Prior to that the Caliphate of Cordoba and neighboring Christian states were rather cordial. El Cid worked for Christian and Muslim lords and was respected by both. When the Taifa period occurred, sometimes Christian and Muslim states worked together against others and there was a lot of cultural blending. Arabic heavily influenced Spanish and Catholic mass was even delivered in Arabic. Jews were given better freedoms too though of course extremists ruin everything. It’s like when Isabel and Fernando kicked out the conversos to promote national unity. Shit happens.

    5. I’m pretty sure most historians, including even many pro-Islam leaning ones, do agree that the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties were generally oppressive towards their religious minorities. Maybe some Islamists and ignorant people might claim otherwise, but that doesn’t appear to be the general consensus held by historians with at least some knowledge of medieval Iberia.

      When people claim that “Iberia was tolerant towards non-Muslims”, they are mostly referring to the Emirate (and later Caliphate) of Cordoba and maybe that of Granada too, not the entire scope of Moorish rule in Iberia. This meme actually feels like kind of strawman. (Edit for grammar)

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