For reference the US at least would go through 7 president’s in the span of 50 years

    by number1Obamafan


    1. Fuck the Praetorians. All my homies hate the praetorian guard.

      Assassinating Aurelian especially was one of the worst crimes against civilization ever committed. But so so many others too. Alexander Severus is one of my personal saddest, as much as he was bungling things a bit by that point.

      Constantine did many extraordinary epoch shifting things, but let the abolishing of the guard never be buried as one of the greatest.

    2. “Damn. I really don’t care.”

      -A Praetorian, while counting their most recent bribe from the current Emperor that they helped install who will go on to further devalue the currency with reckless fiscal policies and that same devalued currency will be used to bribe them again in the future by the next Emperor they help take over because they weren’t getting paid enough of the currency they inadvertently devalued by murdering the previous Emperor.

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