
    by daddysolivia


    1. Erstwhile_pancakes on

      Nothing this man says is unbelievable any longer. What I thought I’d never see though, is half of our country not batting an eye at it.

    2. Imagine being one of those guys standing behind the orange fool. forever shown prostituting yourself for having no moral backbone

    3. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      I wonder if any of the men standing behind Trump are on board with what he is saying.He is loathsome in the extreme.

    4. Initial-Company3926 on

      You know who else compared people to animals?
      Hitler. Yeah THAT Hitler. He compared jews with being animals

      I am so disgusted with how so many americans is embracing the same ideologi their grandfathers fought against- Not only fought but died, with allies side by side
      Gods…….the should be ashamed to support this

    5. Exciting-Composer157 on

      I wanna see HIS birth certificate


      His Tax Returns


      Medical records after the shooting

    6. From Wikipedia, the phrase “image of God” comes from Genesis 1:27, which says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them”. Guess God was an animal according to Trump?

    7. On track with what the US was told 15 years ago on the direction. They’ve hit the final benchmarks…preparing to round up and exterminate those they want to prosecute.

      I hope the rest of the country has the spine to stop it when it starts. When, not if, regardless who is voted in they’ll try their bullshit.

    8. This clown show down in the States has to stop. As a Canadian, even I’m tired of it. I can’t imagine what the sane Americans are going through.

    9. seems it needs to be repeated again. his followers dont care what trump does. his followers dont care what he promises to help them with or fix their problems. they ONLY care that he hurts the people they hate. thats all they want.

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