Always remember we thrive on PROGRESS and they thrive on division
We need as much unity and effort as we can maximize while they just need to pay their people "the psychological wage of whiteness" (as W.E.B. DuBois put it more than a century ago).
**PSA: Do not waste time on those who are still stuck with the Trump.**
**I real life blocked most of the people who voted for Trump in 2020. Focus on those who can be convinced to do the right thing.**
Mec26 on
Are any of your friends not gonna vote? Now is the time to make plans. Drive people, get them to polls, show them how to absentee vote. Focus your time and energy on the apathetic, not people trying to tear you down.
**PSA: Do not waste time on those who are still stuck with the Trump.**
**I real life blocked most of the people who voted for Trump in 2020. Focus on those who can be convinced to do the right thing.**
Are any of your friends not gonna vote? Now is the time to make plans. Drive people, get them to polls, show them how to absentee vote. Focus your time and energy on the apathetic, not people trying to tear you down.