You can’t hijack planes. You can’t throw Molotov cocktails.

    by MoreMotivation


    1. You can protest peacefully and hunger strike. Politicians will not care and change a damn thing, but you can do it.

    2. “you just can’t be” capping that off sounds incredibly… whiny? Like a spoiled teenage girl saying her life is ruined when her phone is taken away. “Gawhd, I can’t even hijack a plane? Gag me with a spoon”

    3. SmokeyGiraffe420 on

      He’s referring to the fact that conservative talking heads (as well as many internet commentators) condemn peaceful protests like kneeling during the anthem or blocking traffic, as much as they would hijacking a plane or throwing a Molotov. How many people have you heard say they would run over protesters for blocking traffic? It’s especially bad on Reddit tbh. He’s not referring to actual legality, but the court of public opinion. 

    4. Actually the Maga people believe you can do all of those things, because they’re allowed in chapter 3 of the Orange Jesus handbook. Death threats and bomb threats are for extra points.

    5. Someone just discovered that there’s freedom and there’s real freedom, which is anarchy and survival of the fittest.

      But what’s that deal about not being able to boycott? The young pouting muslim was forced to buy specific products?

    6. “the government is bad because they won’t let me set myself on fire” is certainly one of the takes of all time

    7. This_Abies_6232 on

      “You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
      You don’t spit into the wind
      You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
      And you don’t mess around with Jim” — Jim Croce

      The ONLY answer….

    8. Resident_Chemical132 on

      Looks and sounds like a member of al quaeda or some other terrorist organisation. lol

    9. I can’t see a list like that without the Sesame Street song “One of these things is not like the other” popping into my head.

    10. Mohammed, I don’t think I would have thrown the hijacking planes in there it looks bad on ya.

    11. Me when daddy governent spanks my bottom for trying to peacefully hijack a plane: “Ah shucks, i can’t do anything here >3< at least I still have my molto- HEY!”

    12. phdthrowaway110 on

      “Unless Israel was to hijack a plane and throw Molotov cocktails. Then it would be self-defense.” Thanks Community Notes!

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