If this happened in France, there would be riots.

    by Audiologi


    1. RaspberryNo8449 on

      Why aren’t there riots for this in America? How are people protesting about Palestine when people don’t even have healthcare in the country.

    2. Craziest medical bill?

      I ate shit on my skateboard and fractured my hip and was lying in the street late at night, unable to move. My phone slipped out of my pocket and slid under a car. I guess some passerby called 911.

      Ambulance arrived and as they were loading me up for some reason a firetruck showed up too – but promptly left.

      I later got a bill for the firetruck. Was like $500 or something.

    3. CompetitiveLobster70 on

      Right wing fucks have been brain washed that it’s “socialism” and “communism “.

    4. Taskmaster_Fanatic on

      My daughter has a tumor around the base of her brain and spinal cord. Looks like a hand grasping the area. Discovered due to her crooked smile when she was 4, almost 5 The doctor just noticed her smile was odd and asked us about it. We didn’t think anything of it, just thought it was her smile. That led him to checking and boom… the world fell apart.

      St Jude’s took her on and after the first week long visit, I received a bill for just over $200,000. My heart sank. Life was over.

      Thankfully it was a mistake because St. Jude’s covers everything and they did. They covered everything for the newly 80 week long stays we made over the course of 10 years. Including the lodging and food while in Memphis, where they’re located.

      She is 1 of 3 survivors out of her original group. There were around 40 originally. We are lucky, blessed, whatever but she made a lot of friends that didn’t make it. She’s gone through more loss than anyone I’ll ever know.

      The tumor will always be there. She only gets checked once a year now.

    5. ACauseQuiVontSuaLune on

      To Americans, France might seem like a communist regime. They cannot even begin to fathom what you’re trying to convey. They might agree with you, but they have no clues.

    6. TheCanadianShield99 on

      I’d tell the hospital to sue me. It would make a nice story in the newspaper to show how heartless and cruel they are.

    7. Fluid-Apartment-3951 on

      I don’t think so, there’s a certain “french” vibe to it. I think it’d be a culture embraced by all the french like a hive mind. Wouldn’t expect less from the french.

    8. Is the censorship of “iPhone” “received” and “doctor” some sort of protest or parody against pointless censorship?

    9. Right now I am fighting my healthcare provider for a $5000 bill they sent me for bringing my daughter to the emergency room at an IN NETWORK hospital when she fell and had a busted her lip. I brought her in and was there for six hours of which less than 10 minutes was spent speaking to hospital staff/medical professionals. They never gave my daughter Tylenol or even a single bandaid and by the time we spoke with anyone her bleeding had stopped. A nurse saw us and using a phone app asked two questions and immediately determined there was no risk to serious injury and to just take her home. They handed me discharge paperwork which they have no classified as a “nursing education” which qualifies as a type 3 use of their facility and necessitates a $5k charge. I am now three months into fighting this bill. Fuck American healthcare and fucking who thinks private insurance is good. So frustrating

    10. As Americans does the whole health care cover (or lack of) keep you up at night? (genuine question) I’d imagine it would create some serious stress worrying that you may need medical intervention one day and won’t have adequate cover

      I’m in the Uk so don’t even give this stuff a second thought

    11. Apprehensive_Ask_752 on

      Parking is the worst expense for any ailment just go to the hospital get dealt with and walk away. Sincerely America’s hat.

    12. $600 frankly sounds cheap. I was charged 1200 for my son’s room and board when he was born. He never left my room and he was only breastfed. We were only there 20 hours. Basically, I paid 1200 for diapers and a cheap blanket

    13. Hormone panel when I was hemorrhaging blood for two months straight after not having a real period for 6 years due to PCOS. Like all the uterine lining was coming out at once. It was debilitating. My gyno said if it didn’t stop I would need a blood transfusion. It was an emergency so they brought me to the hospital within the first weeks of the lockdown to get all my levels taken.

      It cost $800 out of pocket, even though it was a medical emergency and I had expensive health insurance that cost $400 per month AFTER a premium credit. They ended up telling me they messed up the samples and the results were unusable. I still had to pay in full; and they said I’d need to pay another $800 to redo the test.

      $800 down, never did get my tests.

    14. Would like to see the actual bill.

      Things happen in hospitals that cost money, even if you feel like there was no “ medical care” given

    15. My wife and I had twins several years ago. One died after 5 days. The other spent months in the NICU but survived. We never got a single bill with my deceased son’s name on it. I assume some sort of oversight by the hospital, but I surely wasn’t going to bring it up to anybody there.

    16. probablynotmine on

      I need to understand this.

      If you can’t abort since that fetus is a person then the fetus should be enrolled in your insurance immediately

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