We need to stop romanticizing the 90s!

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. Exactly we not gonna talk about the LA riots which was the response from the last straw which was the Rodney King assault.

    2. noodles_the_strong on

      The 90s had some of the highest homicide rates the US has seen in the 20th century.

    3. Glittering_Ad_3806 on

      Now I know how my grandparents feel when people say “the good ol days”. For who? I was there in the 90s. Same shit, different decade.

    4. They are mad they can’t be racist and willfully ignorant anymore and they are even more mad that they will openly get shit for not changing with the times where before people could just age (dis)gracefully and have it dismissed as “a product of another time”

    5. Gavin Cato, Amadou Diallo, “superpredators”, yea no one cared about race. GTFOH with that

    6. Social media wasn’t really a thing so they could just stay in their bubbles. Now they get a peak into everyone else’s bubble and see what’s been going on for generations. Just because you never knew doesn’t mean it’s new

    7. He would lie because he had and has a completely different history and experience than a black individual in this society. He’s speaking from a place of comfort.

    8. The 1990s certainly were a mixed bag, and while there were some gains for Black people, my guy is looking at this era through rose colored lenses and ignoring a lot, especially rampant police brutality. Nostalgia is a mother fucker, I tell you.

    9. Maximum-Class5465 on

      As an old head, there’s so much better about today than the 90s
      The music was great, but that came from the pain we were enduring
      While white people may just now be hearing today about cops beating black people, it’s not like us didn’t already know and talk about it

    10. I’m confused, didn’t you post this like two hours ago? What happened to all the comments? 😂

    11. TheIncredibleMrJones on

      When you are young and your needs are provided for, you don’t see the bad stuff that is happening around you. The main change that happened is access to information. Can’t ignore the effects of politics and social injustices when those affected can write a post or make a video for millions to read or see.

    12. wittyhashtag420 on

      Southern CA gangbanging was a whole nother animal in the 90s. Y’all really think nwa and ice cube came up in a gentle era?!

    13. CuriousTsukihime on

      Mfs just forgot about the LA Riots, the gang wars, AIDS, the Gulf War, Desert Storm, like come on now…

    14. New_Attempt_7810 on

      He is saying this bc no one complained to him about race and HE himself hasn’t experienced racism.. which obviously no racism. Duh!!!🙄

    15. too_broke_to_quit on

      He is ignorant to not recognizing he is fond of not having access to information or the perspective of others.

    16. loptopandbingo on

      [“Fiery but peaceful libertarian”](https://www.quora.com/profile/Ron-Rule)

      What a cornball.

      Of course he’s romanticizing the 90s, he was like maybe ten years old back then. And not in a neighborhood targeted by LAPD or other police, or overseas in a civil war, or in a concentration camp in Bosnia, or an Indian reservation, or anywhere not comfortable. There was a lot of stuff about the 90s that *was* awesome and great, but it wasn’t all peaceful and loving and smooth lol

    17. Um

      the decade that had “political correctness” debates, an impeached president, Captain Planet, Fuck tha police, Schindlers List, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Sinead OConnor ripping the popes picture on SNL, and save the rainforests? Oh and the OJ trial?

      Ya h’okay

      Edit: fuck tha police was 88 my b

    18. PackOutrageous on

      I seem to recall all white america losing their minds when a football player got away with murder…

    19. “Permeated everything” lmao, no dummy, you just didn’t have the internet.

      Bc tell Latasha Harlins, Rodney King, and the Central Park 5 that race didn’t matter, gtfoh

    20. I like reminding these people Fox news started in the late 1990s. They’re wrong about it being some bloodless era of love and fellowship but it’s more disruptive to ignore the stupid argument they planned to have and blame their drug dealer instead. 

    21. SecretlyMadeOfStone on

      I’ve seen these random ass Twitter accounts saying the same shit about the 70’s and 80’s as well. It’s low effort engagement bait to pump their payout numbers.

    22. EyeDissTroyKnotSeas on

      “nobody cared about race…” Sir, in the 90s I was a SHARP. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. We fought very racist, actual neonazis CONSTANTLY. It was literally our whole reason for existing: Finding people whose whole deal was being racist and “CARING” THE FUCK OUT OF THEM until they stopped coming around.

    23. The 90s were great for him because he was young enough to ignore all of life’s problems. It wasn’t great for anyone that paid attention

    24. Ok-Satisfaction-5012 on

      The Rodney king riots and racist mass incarceration and policing laws happened in the 90s, fucking newt Gingrich was president and republicans tried to sink Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal in the 90s, the majority of television was just white guys being depicted as swashbuckling heroes, gross inequality still existed, and the neoliberal consensus which has produced contemporary inequality was built in the 90s. Fucking internet conservatives are the dumbest pieces of shit but also show how vital even a cursory familiarity with history is. Literally nothing there is true yet thousands will lap up there fantasy history like the drones of fascist regimes and movements before them

    25. I remember being spit on, called racist names, things thrown at me in the 90s in Oklahoma because I held hands with my girlfriend.

      She was black, I am white.

      Racism was very alive and well in the 90s.

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