We need to stop normalizing the 90s! The 90s had problems too.

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. Didn’t the Rwandan genocide, dot com bubble burst, Tokyo gas attacks, Oklahoma City bombing The Central Park 5.. OJ… crown heights riot… Rodney king all happen in the 90s?

      Tbh, shit hasn’t changed that much except

      We for some reason made it weird to overhear people talking about something you love, and try to make an organic friendship on the spot by participating in the convo

    2. Writeforwhiskey on

      Didnt the Rodney King beating and LA Riots happen in the 90s? I mean I was alive and saw it with my own eyes that race relation in the 90s was not all kumbya.

    3. ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)

      Live footage of a man that doesn’t even remember the Rodney King beating and subsequent trial.

    4. Only things good about the 90’s was the music and the price of……just about everything. Seriously go look up the price of stuff from housing to gas to fast food in the 90’s compared to now.

      Aside from that I mean, Oklahoma City bombings, Columbine, cops killing unarmed black men, President impeached for getting some head. LA riots, David Koresh and Waco, that heat wave that almost killed like 800 ppl in Chicago etc etc etc.

      Nissan was different back then tho. They actually made good cars. Especially the Maxima. I miss those reliable cars.

    5. >Entertainment wasn’t laced with agendas

      That’s because almost all entertainment was white, heteronormative and conservative.

      It’s not an agenda if it’s *your* agenda.

      In that case it’s Family Values^(TM)

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