Ah, yes, the Weimar Republic. Where everyone had billions of money, that were worth 3€ now.
Quirky-Ad-1302 on
Are there any models who aren’t on Instagram?
TillTamura on
my grandma told me they once had to renovate the school back than and instead of using wallpaper they used money because it was simply much cheaper to put this on the walls ¬.¬
I’m a millionaire in Zimbabwe
I’m a movie director.. on tiktok
I’m a General, in Hoi4…
Oh wait…
I’m a Soldier….. In Call of Duty
Ah, yes, the Weimar Republic. Where everyone had billions of money, that were worth 3€ now.
Are there any models who aren’t on Instagram?
my grandma told me they once had to renovate the school back than and instead of using wallpaper they used money because it was simply much cheaper to put this on the walls ¬.¬
repost, look at rule 2 OP
At one point in November 1923 1 USD was 4.2 Trillion Mark. So, most of here are probably Quadrillionaires.