This is super weird

    by uDoucheChill


    1. AGuyWhoBrokeBad on

      They want her to have babies because they can’t stand the idea of a female role model that doesn’t model the traditional role of motherhood. Having a woman that says you can be childless and happy throws the people at Fox for a loop.

    2. Their obssesion with trying to control women’s bodies is very strange. Child free people, especially child free women are a threat to them and their values. Not everyone wants to follow the same life script. Why would Taylor Swift who is at the top of her game, want to slow down now? Losers all of them and that woman is a disgrace to women everywhere.

    3. Next up, Republican Certified Sanitary napkin products and inspection requirements.

      There is no end to the insanity…. unless we unleash a tidal wave of Never Again votes.

    4. w t a f is wrong with these people?

      they see any woman and immediately the neon sign in their heads lights up: “Baby Making Machine.”

    5. Fast_Vehicle_1888 on

      No matter how much you beg or try to pressure her, she will be living her life the way that SHE wants to, NOT however you want her to.

    6. Childless and childfree women are such a threat to them. Childless women less so, if they are appropriately vocal and sad about being unable to have children (which is also a gross expectation). But god forbid you CHOOSE not to have children and vocalize that around…certain people. Or the internet in general.

    7. Comprehensive-Egg234 on

      Those weirdos don’t even deserve a plastic cup to ask for spare change on the other side of the glass. They literally make me sick

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