Babies moving around in the tiny space of the womb. Life is a mystery!

    by py-net


    1. GalaxyGoddessGal on

      We can see how beautiful life is!. How amazing we survive 9 months in our mom’s tummy! 

    2. I really have extremely limited knowledge of this but that baby is just pissin in his bath water?

    3. All of this (and the sensations experienced) probably affects us more than we think. 9 months of life at our most vulnerable.

    4. after seeing this, i don’t think if having a baby will work for me. though it’s lovely to have kids on your own.

    5. I’m a dude and this felt me feel uneasy, Respect to all the mom’s out there for being True Warriors!

    6. I witnessed my daughter yanking on the umbilical cord and playing with it during an ultrasound. It was so cool! Also saw her crying in there once too. I didn’t know they did so much

    7. At first, it was cute to me, then thinking about it, it began being scary and slightly off-putting.

      I guess I thought baby womb growth was a lot more sleeping, and the kicking was more so reflexes of a developing brain.

    8. The hiccups are crazy! My wife is pregnant with our second right now and feeling them hiccup is really cool. I don’t remember our first doing that.

    9. I’ve never had any interest in having a child… This terrified me even more! Oddly fascinating, but also terrifying.

    10. Fleur_de_Lys_1 on

      Some days, it felt like my son was playing soccer in there. I can feel the kicks just watching this clip.

    11. SweetSexiestJesus on

      The instrument of your destruction greasing the wheels of your defeat.

      Life is not a mystery

    12. I’m not sure if I should share this with my wife who is 8 months pregnant. Probably best that I don’t.

    13. ‘Digging’ the uterus holy shit. This video is body horror levels of gross but that was…..💀

    14. HagardTheGnome on

      Women absolute legends for being able to do this shit I would off myself if a little guy was jumping inside of me and peeing

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