X marks despot

    by nylonsbrunette


    1. The projection is strong with Donald.

      Seriously, You don’t even need evidence anymore. Just listen to what Trump is accusing other people of. There’s a great chance he’s doing it too and he projects on to his opponents. Election interference? Lol, where have we heard that one before? 😂

    2. Who didn’t see the evil South African Nazi colluding with the evil criminal, rapist, and traitor running for President?

    3. Appropriate_Appeal27 on

      So what is anyone gonna do about it? Kind of sick about hearing about all this shit with no actions behind it.

    4. When Donald starting bull shit about CBS and election interference you just knew that he was doing the equivalent somewhere else. How do you think he comes up with this stuff, hes not very original, it why every accusation is a confession.

    5. Agitated_Bother4475 on

      if you’re reading this, not a republican AND you still use Twitter:
      FUCK YOU. YOU are the problem now, not musk.

    6. Yes, how many billions of dollars of campaign interference is it to run a large social media platform that is actively policed to allow only pro-Trump messaging?

    7. I’m gonna go out on a limb, and guess that this is why Leon said “he’s fucked, if Chump loses”

      He’s knowingly been using Xitter to meddle in the 24 election in order to help the Turdinator.

    8. He, like Trump has already prepped his cultists saying “If Trump loses they will come for me, they want to silence the truth” yadda yadda yadda and the mindless masses will believe him.

      I am surprised the Right Wing Nazi loving NYT is putting this out though, normally they are suckling the teats of the despots.

    9. MelodyFluffings on

      Whatever Trump accuses someone of doing, best believe he’s absolutely guilty of doing it.

    10. I can’t help be feel like Elon and Trump are only in cahoots with each other because they both have secrets on each other that they are protecting. Let’s face it they’re not the type to be friends.
      I’m absolutely sure they really cannot stand each other.

      Things that make you go hmmmm.

    11. Thehairy-viking on

      Nothing will happen. This country will continue to allow Don the Con to break any laws he pleases.

    12. Add this to the things Trump will get away with even though anyone else would be going to prison.

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