My Town Car is the same length as this truck

    by TechnoRedditor


    1. Swaminathan_Malgudi on

      What a waste of space. What an incredibly inefficient way of transporting people

    2. Yep it’ll always look sweet.

      Please sir drive me to the airport.

      Ah yes lovely.


    3. Got_2_Git_Schwifty on

      My mom had the same car and it was like a boat. Very smooth going interstate speeds but you gotta turn the wheel 820° to make a turn.

    4. sleepyprojectionist on

      I reckon you could fit three of my car in that space. It’s a glorified go kart with a 1-litre, 3-cylinder engine.

    5. realdrpepper21 on

      Weird. I just saw your post on Regular Car Reviews and this was on my front page on my app. I was thinking that Town Car looks familiar.

    6. Looked it up those things are like 220″ long, damn! My Challenger is longer than my wife’s SUV by 12 inches! I thought my boat was long, that towncar is damn near 2 feet longer.

    7. somethin special about cars like this. reminds me of the grand marquis my great grandma passed down to my mom. the leg room in that car was insane.

    8. quietIntensity on

      Was driving my FIL’s Mercury Grand Marquis for a week after the hurricane dropped a tree on my usual vehicle. That thing has the biggest nose of any vehicle I’ve ever driven, including several trucks.

    9. Oh I thought I was in /r/crownvictoria for a moment and wondered why there were so many comments lol

    10. oof that parking job. just back a fourth of your vehicle over the curb and into the planter.

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