Trump says Obama will vote for him in early morning delusional “Truth” session.

    by Caledric


    1. IWantOneSpatula on

      “Plus Obama knows that I have done more for black men in America than ANY person – let me tell you this, Martin Luther King did some things for people but I did more things for blacks, look at the numbers. LYIN’ KAMALA arrested EVERY black person once, I think maybe twice. Can you believe that?! She just arrested them ALL. Now they support HER? And Obama didn’t stop 9/11, where was he? At a Bulls game with SLEEPY JOE! Women love me, I’ve done things for them too, I’ve probably done more things for women than MLK did for the blacks. Women love me, and Kamala, so beautiful, she should let Biden run since she STOLE his seat!”

      Fucking. Kill. Me. I want off this rock.

    2. lol, sure, just like joe biden’s coming back into the race right?


    3. New_Conversation_303 on

      At this point, why do we even bother with this guy… he is just writing words… hopefully in a few weeks he will be just a footnote in history

    4. Counting the day until I can break out my “he’s choked to death on a Big Mac/gone to prison” champagne.

    5. Last night Obama mocked Trump for wearing diapers.
      This AM Trump thinks Obama will vote for him.

    6. vexatiousmonkey on

      Shouldn’t this level of delusion trigger some sort of mental health assessment by professionals?

    7. PastorNTraining on

      Don’t chase the ball folks, this isn’t about what he said BUT WHY HE SAID IT!

      Malignant narcissists like the 🍊 must construct elaborate fantasy worlds because they can’t handle the reality of their own inadequacies. The real world, with its accountability and genuine human connection, doesn’t revolve around them—and that’s intolerable to their inflated sense of self. So, they create a space where they’re the hero, the victim, or the genius—whatever role feeds their ego in that moment. It’s all about control. By twisting facts and distorting reality, they can manipulate others to reinforce their grandiose delusions, while avoiding the discomfort of facing who they really are. The problem is, anyone caught in their orbit gets trapped in this alternate reality, too—constantly validating the narcissist’s lies or being punished for challenging them.

      Here the 🍊 is attempting to connect the legacy of the Obama administration (he always has an uneven focus is on this particular person)

      Since the 🍊 lacks self worth or self-esteem he attempts to attach his star to others who were more credible, more reliable or famous and more beloved.

      He’s lying to himself in order to shield and cloak himself in grandiosity – because his mental illness demands it.

      He’s not a well man.

    8. I don’t think that’s what he actually believes. Trump hates Obama. He just wants to lie as much as possible to his audience. Any means to make himself look good even if it’s the exact opposite of the truth.

      Don’t take everything he says at face value, it’s obviously BS partly to rile up people, which seems to be working.
      If he actually thought Kamala is a low-IQ person, he wouldn’t be scared of debating her again.

    9. If the greatest president ever is not voting for Kamala, can y’all ask him to stop sending those fundraising texts?

    10. Back around when we were dropping white phosphorous on people and torturing them I tried so hard to get through to “conservatives”. I failed and now we live in different worlds. Oh no wait it was before that when we tried to stop that Iraq invasion so hard. The transition from cable tv to streaming internet video was the nail in the coffin. There is no getting through to them now because they are too afraid of each other.

    11. The fact that he keeps attacking her for her supposed lack of intelligence tells me he knows he’s a moron deep down inside.

    12. Mediocre_Scott on

      Seems like an Obama endorsement would be the one thing that would shatter his base’s support

    13. It’s like he’s on an acid trip but no, it’s just another day that ends in “y”.

    14. Didntlikedefaultname on

      Yea Obama definitely voting for the guy who started the birther conspiracy about him lol

    15. Great that Obama is on the campaign trail.

      Trump will definitely devote part of his time to ranting and rambling about Obama. When he should be talking about policy if he actually wants to *help* pick up voters for his campaign.

      Got to love it how Trump works to defeat himself!

    16. Jenny_O_theWoods on

      I hate this. I hate that this is what passes for potential leader of America? What the actual fuck is happening?

    17. Put this malignant asshole out to pasture in November. I despair about what the aftermath of the election will
      look like. I hope he sits in a courtroom or jail for the rest of his whiny miserable days.

    18. Careless-Roof-8339 on

      What the fuck? How does he get “Obama is going to vote for me” from Obama urging black men to rally behind Kamala Harris?

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