Goodbye Stalin

    by R2J4


    1. Some_Cockroach2109 on

      If Stalin weren’t around, the canal in the photo wouldn’t have been built, due to the labor for the project being sourced from the Gulags . And I think the probable leader of the USSR would have been either Trotsky, Zinoviev or Kamenev. Quite an interesting what if.

      Edit: Molotov wouldn’t be there too, he only got his cushy positions due to being Stalin’s little lickspittle.

      Edit 2: The USSR wouldn’t have been able to industrialise that quickly again without the Gulag system

      Disclaimer: I don’t support Stalin nor the Gulags both of which have caused much pain and suffering. I highly recommend Anne Applebaum’s book called Gulag: A History if you would like to know more about the Gulag

    2. Some_Cockroach2109 on

      Nice meme, also without Stalin in the second picture it looks as if Molotov is checking out the other guy’s bottom.

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