What is the weirdest historical take you have seen?

    by 0natoshill0


    1. If you’re looking for the weirdest historical takes just take a holiday in the Balkans man.

      Not even five minutes after landing you will have a man with hair surrounding most of his body tell you that Bulgaria was actually the first civilisation on Earth, and how the Serbians are direct descendants of the Jews who killed Jesus.

    2. I think sometimes people forget that you can simply go to these places and see for yourself that shit obviously happened a few decades ago.

    3. “There is no evidence Coca Cola existed”

      > Sun Tzu

      “Are you mentally ill?”

      > Abraham Lincoln

    4. A dude here insisted Benito Mussolini was never racist before allying with Hitler

      On other news, don’t google how his government “pacified” Lybia if you have just eaten something

    5. Lieutenant_Lukin on

      A couple of Russian ones I remember.

      There is an old Russian conspiracy theory that the fire of Moscow during the Napoleonic invasion of 1812 was a nuclear strike by some third party and the disastrous retreat of the French forces was partly so devastating due to radiation poisoning.

      There is the ever present theory by a Russian “alternative historian” Suvorov that USSR intended to invade Germany first and that’s why most of its forces were concentrated on the border. An alternative variation of this theory I once read in some blog post was that Stalin purposefully decided to lose so much to Nazi Germany in 1941, because if the Soviet army was successful, the Allies would have realized the threat USSR posed and joined Germany.

      There is one that states that Vietnam war was foul play on the part of the Americans – the war was brutal to purposefully get rid of black minorities by sending them to war and it was lost to entrench the idea of “hybrid warfare” in the minds of American enemies, so everyone would fight them with inefficient partisan warfare in proxies instead of utilizing actual efficient militaries.

      There is a legend that Peter the Great was replaced during his Great Embassy to Europe by an imposter.

      Another one states that Alexander Dumas and Alexander Pushkin were the same person.

      There is one about the collapse of USSR being an orchestrated event to trick the west into believing that it has won.

    6. This provokes some second-hand embarrassment from me, but in the Chinese internet there’re some people believe that native Americans – particularly the Olmecs – were actually Shang dynasty descendants that tried to flee away from Zhou conquest (c. 1046 BCE)

      Their “proof”? Some native artefacts (sometimes even that is faked) happened to have some scratches that look like oracle bone scripts. Why would those refugees, if existed (I don’t mean there were no Shang refugees, Shang refugees fleeing east and north did exist, I mean unrecorded / poorly recorded refugees), didn’t reach:

      i. Taiwan

      ii. Korea (Gija Joseon / Jizi Chaoxian is controversial but at least we can say there’s a semi-historical basis for speculation)

      iii. Japan (well we already have Xu Fu legends, and based on DNA evidence some unrecorded crossings from lower Yangtze did happen. Although these were all almost half/a millennia later, it’s still better than nothing)

      instead of Americas? I don’t bloody know.

    7. Middle Ages lasted till 1809 because then Napoleon captured the Pope and broke the stranglehold of the Catholic Church on the world … weren´t theists supposed to be the unreasonable ones?

    8. R*manians being the descendants of Dacia and that they moved into Transylvania before the hungarians.

    9. People really do choose the most random things to be a contrarian over.

      Can’t wait for the Great Wall of China deniers.

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