Keep it dry folks

    by unvaluedcube


    1. “Nobody’s going to know. Nobody’s going to know know.”

      “They’re gonna know.”

      “How would they know?”

    2. Death_Sheep1980 on

      When I did community theatre one summer, I was assigned to help the sound guy get the wireless microphones ready for the actors. This involved putting fresh batteries in the transmitter packs, then putting the packs into condoms, then into cloth pouches the costume mistress had sewn. The point being, of course, to protect them from perspiration.

      The theatre group’s director was part-owner of the local gay bar and was involved with the local LGBTQ+ community center, so he had access to a bunch of condoms that were about to expire, and that’s what we used.

    3. As a sound engineer, I recommend using unlubricated condoms to prevent liquids from getting into microphones. It may seem strange, but it accomplishes the task.

    4. I think this is an old-school audio engineer trick for waterproofing a mic. Nothing new. (And in fact, this image is several years old.)

      I think this is also how they protect body mics (lavaliers) from getting all sweat drenched and shorting out when worn under a costume on stage.

    5. To truly be a Florida thing the condom would have first been filled with drugs and swallowed to smuggle them into the country and then be used for sex with an illegal immigrant transsexual prostitute before being repurposed again as a microphone cover.

    6. andmewithoutmytowel on

      Just so people know, we do this in theater all the time. Imagine how sweaty it would be dancing and jumping around under stage lights. Mic packs are often put in an un-lubricated condom to protect them from body sweat.

    7. Ex- theater techie here. It is common practice to use un lubricated condoms to protect audio equipment. Specifically, hand microphones like this and transmitter packs for body mics. Turns out vigorously acting, dancing, and singing under several high wattage lamps for a couple of hours can cause you to sweat buckets.

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