Amazing things happening.

    by Bitter-Gur-4613


    1. filmingfisheyes on

      Yeah come on, no one actually believes Elon Musk is going to save humanity by taking them to Mars! That too would be ridiculous!

    2. I think i just heard the universe play a record scratch sound.
      Elon being the voice of reason?

    3. Charming-Command3965 on

      That’s what happens when the village idiots get access to the internet 🙄🙄🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤣

    4. Oh no this is bad … come on guys … Elon actually says something sane … and then the crazies come out

    5. Twat❌…you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

    6. I mean cloud seeding is a real thing but to think any party would be dumb enough to do it and just to cause billions of dollars in damages is just stupid

    7. Wilbo_Shaggins on

      When you court idiots by repeating their lies, you have to keep repeating ALL of their lies and not just the ones that suit your own purposes.

    8. Right wing nutz always eat their own. This is hilarious. Idiots trying to convince other idiots of their idiotic ideas.

    9. “It’s literally documented at this point as fact” – Brain dead losers retweeting it 100K times doesn’t make it a fact.

    10. Well Democrats might not be able to control the weather, but at least they seem to have a leader who can at least control themselves

    11. Drake_the_troll on

      “All of my far right engagement baiting has lead to my app being populated by conspiracy theorists? How could this have happened?”

    12. So, let me see if we understand this. Science is not be be believed regarding Covid but believed to explain how Democrats can influence weather…got it.

    13. johnlooksscared on

      So….hurricanes that happened during a Republican presidency were controlled by who?

    14. Just like Birtherism and election fraud. It’s all fun and games until you think you might lose some money.

    15. Nobody said the Dems control the weather. They just control the bad weather. MAGA controls the sun, and sunny days, and aurora borealis, and sunsets. Oh yeah, and MAGA controls earthquakes. This is all documented. DYOR.

    16. “I have talked to a few on this app.”

      Well, there you have it folks. All the proof I need.

    17. You mean Republicans CAN’T control hurricanes? Are they stupid? Imagine belonging to a political party the can’t lob hurricanes at themselves. /s

    18. Historical_Horror595 on

      It’s me guys.. I’m the democrat controlling the weather.. it’s all true..

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