She’s not wrong! And it can start by good men calling out the assholes, don’t just laugh along to keep the peace, tell other guys when they’re being sleezy, that’s what we need!

    by Dooly_Cascade


    1. Nuada-Argetlam on

      when *will* they stop blaming “men” as a group? it’s getting old. there is literally nothing threatening about men as a whole.

    2. Miserable-Pace7398 on

      I was all of 7 years old the first time a group of men, inside a garage as I walked through an alley with my cousins, begged me to come over to them as they cat called, gyrated and laughed. I didn’t understand why but I was terrified as we walked faster. And I don’t remember much at that age, but I still remember that.

      I don’t think most men understand the fear and how early it is instilled most girls, and how common and repeated and relentless situations like this are.

    3. Necessary_Weakness42 on

      The action you’re describing OP, is what she is specifically asking you not to do.

    4. It always strikes me when the wording tends to tar all men with the same brush.

      The problem is there will always be assholes ruining it for everyone else no matter how hard we try as individuals. That will unfortunately never change. The best we can do is do right where we can and show that it’s only the few that are like that.

    5. Simple, there are good people and bad people, good decisions and bad decisions.

      The problem is you are generalizing men and then assuming you know what all women want.

      Speak for yourself and speak on your own situation.

    6. Homeless_Appletree on

      The world in general would be a much better place if assholes just stopped being assholes.

    7. myusrnmeisalrdytkn on

      You are a strong and independent women who can call those men out by yourself, I totally believe in you.

      Besides, why are u posting it here if its a facepalm?

    8. FriendlyVariety5054 on

      I’m sure these comments will be completely respectful and both acknowledge the fact that while women are often victims of abuse from men, that doesn’t mean all men are bad! I can’t wait to read them all!

    9. “muslims, go control your kind” (or “jews, go control your kind” with recent events) is considered discrimination; how about OP’s post? I do not see any difference

    10. you’re contradicting her post. she asked not for protection , what you ask is protection from good men by telling them to call out the a sholes.

      we only meddle, interfere, call out, others when we’re protecting someone or something we care about. we don’t go calling out random strangers because they are a sholes, unless it’s our job to do so or were need to do that to protect.

    11. >”And it can start by good men calling out the assholes, don’t just laugh along to keep the peace, tell other guys when they’re being sleezy”

      Is this not protecting? I’ll call out myself and I tell my close friends when they are being too much. Past that I’m not doin shit

    12. Sorry, so what do you want me to do? Fight other men when they say something you don’t agree with?

      But you don’t want my protection.

      Yeh, I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying.

    13. Decent-Earth-3437 on

      Message received I’m done protecting anybody except for myself 🫡.
      Good advice.

    14. The gender divide in this election cycle is truly remarkable. It’s like Republicans didn’t get the memo that women can actually vote.

    15. Prestigious-Phase131 on

      I do think it’s important to call out horrible men and women, BUT it’s never going to stop completely. Telling people not to rape and murder isn’t going to stop a rapist or murderer so you know what? I would like kind strangers (Man or Woman) to help me if I was in need. I would also want to help a stranger in need because that’s what we as people should do for each other.

    16. When I was 15 some creep on my local mass transit put his hand on my leg and said something really gross. It was scary, but my initial response was anger. The guy left and some other guy on the train thought it was amusing and went back to his paper. I hate the guy with the paper almost more than the guy who harassed me, and it’s been 25 years.

    17. Ah yes, I love watching the internet completely excuse BROAD generalizations, when replacing “men” with literally any sort of other group would mean bigotry.

      I love watching the internet not get the memo that sexism=bad

    18. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 men experience sexual violence. Of those 97% report that the perpetrator was female. Likewise 1 in 3 women experience sexual violence. I wasn’t able to find statistics on the perpetrators for women victims, but we can use other statistics to discern a correlation. In heterosexual relationships, 29% of couples have reported sexual violence incidents. In relationships between gay men, that number is 26%. Meanwhile relationship involving one or more trans are twice as high as straight couples, and for lesbian couples, it’s a staggering 8 times higher.

      These are two different demographic studies on the same events… Shouldn’t we see a correlation here, if the narrative truly fits what’s being said? These are all from the CDC website. I’ll link one of them.

    19. men to men. women to women. men to women. women to men. Can we all just be better to each other?

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