Mind your own damn business

    by FunkYouInParticular


    1. RebuiltGearbox on

      They’ll just holler something about how freedom of religion gives them the right to make others miserable.

    2. Ah but that would be believing in the constitution, which they don’t do. They use the constitution to justify their hate. Same with religion.

    3. Confident-Juice on

      I got a response from a MAGA in which I told him that God was my protector. He then tells me, “I thought only MAGA’s were into church and god?” I was like “dude did you just learn about God because of Trump? How about when you were little?” 🤣🙄💙

    4. Also important: notice LIFE is put first, and yet people die because they can’t afford chemotherapy, or insulin, literally every day.

      Homeless people freeze to death by the hundreds.

      People in mental health crises shoot themselves because they can’t get adequate care.

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