Old man full of hot air talks about the Wind,Wind,the Wind…

    by h20poIo


    1. This is just another one of his grudges; he’s still mad about losing the lawsuit about that golf course and windmills in Scotland.

      He’s such a giant pouting man-baby.

    2. The winds are beautiful. You have never seen bigger winds. The biggest. They are making bigly rains. So much rain it’s pouring cats and dogs . And then they are eating them.

    3. CurrentlyLucid on

      He thinks he should control nukes, but does not even understand battery storage after all these years. He is too incompetent to do anything but insult and say stupid shit.

    4. The only question is if his Dementia kills him before the election or shortly after. He isn’t making it to 2026 let alone 2028.

    5. Let me finish his stupid statement. He’s done this before with solar. It goes like this. “lets’s watch TV. I”m sorry darling the wind isn’t blowing” He says the same stupid shit all the time.

    6. Pre 2016 any presidential candidate saying bullshit would have instantly been out of the race.

      What a time to be alive.

    7. secondtaunting on

      I can’t believe people wait in line for hours to see this idiot drone on about wind.

    8. Surprised he hasn’t said the windmills have been causing the hurricanes , you know all those huge “fans” making wind more “windy” …

    9. TheVoiceInZanesHead on

      Is musky shadow banning their posts? I just went to their twitter and i cant see this one and feels too sparse

    10. one day he’ll just kill over mid sentence and that will be the end the end the end the end ..

    11. They exaggerate a bit in the summary, but it’s mostly accurate.

      Starts at 14:46 in [the full video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/ivq9Q6OravE?si=EoTWEnrlisXSg5Uz&t=886). The various comments are spread over the next minute or so.

      Sigh. FFS.

      Also, onshore wind power is not the most expensive by a long shot – it’s one of the cheapest. It’s cheaper than coal, nuclear, and gas peakers. Maybe not cheaper than gas combined cycle. Not that facts have ever bothered him.

    12. He thinks badmouthing wind energy will score him some points with the oil companies so they’ll give him that $1B he asked for. Or, he’s just fucking nuts.

    13. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

      what happened with all those people commenting abount biden being to old? shouldn´t they be spamming the subs about how trumpedo is way worst?

    14. Sad they keep putting him out there to make a fool of himself.
      Most families would be bringing in medical care for him.

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