My neighbor

    by Brave-Ad6744


    1. GroundhogRevolution on

      Wait. Your neighbor doesn’t think Trump is their savior? Just their president?

      Not MAGA enough.


    2. TeuthidTheSquid on

      The only way to think that Jesus would have been pro-Trump is to understand absolutely nothing about the philosophies of either. This level of philosophical derangement absolutely reeks of mental illness

    3. Informal_Process2238 on

      Congratulate them for being a log cabin republican by getting them a nice sticker for their car that says so

    4. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      I’d move if I were you.But won’t be able to sell till after the election.

    5. Pushabutton1972 on

      Clearly a level headed, rational individual, who is in no way a danger to himself or others when Orange man loses in November /s

    6. KittensAndGravy on

      This seems like Big HOA trying to get me to change my mind about them … it ain’t happening but good try.

    7. Would LOVE to see video of them taking all that shit down with their tails between their legs.

    8. franking11stien12 on

      Your neighbor looks like they will most likely need policies and programs frump will eliminate.

    9. UnlikelyPianist6 on

      Ya know, sometimes I hate living in an HOA neighborhood, but at least we don’t have to worry about things like this… Yeesh.

    10. Notice how the religious worship seeped into the political views. The one true god/Jesus is king part is the perfect starter pack for a fascist political ideology. Not crapping on anyone who is religious but pointing out how it’s easy to correlate that religious ideology into an everyday political alignment and they often go hand in hand. It’s hard to see the positives in a democratic process when your religious beliefs condition you to just blindly abide to the king/gods wishes and you’ll be rewarded with eternal heaven.

      Brainwashing yourself that the non religious are your enemy, that you need to fight against everything they stand for and implement your way of life is to them, doing gods work.

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