After Years of Struggle, My Warts Disappeared on Their Own in Just One Month! (Left pic taken September 3rd.)

    by Getletswasted


    1. It’s not that hard to remove a wart like this on your hand. Why did you struggle so much

    2. Have you been sick recently? I got mono years ago. The process kicked off my immune system. Warts I had for a long while start just falling off. My Dr told me mono doesn’t do that but the timing was way too perfect

    3. they sell kits you can do yourself at home that cryo remove those, in case you don’t want to pay the doctor to do it, why not take care of that?

    4. Quick anecdote: I used to have tons of warts. When I was 13 I ran away from home and got strung out on meth. I got arrested and cleaned up after a short couple weeks, but all my warts went away and never came back. I once asked a doctor about out it and he laughed and said my body was so unhealthy that warts couldn’t survive. I don’t know if he was joking.

    5. I had warts on the cuticles of both index fingers for years. Tried every home removal option, even had actual doctors try three separate times but they always either failed to disappear or if they did, came back within a month or so.

      Then one day they suddenly hardened and started cracking. My fingertips were gross and bloody for a few days and then the warts were gone. All happened over the course of five or six days. Haven’t returned since.

      I don’t understand warts.

    6. NeverDestination on

      Reminds me of a veruca that I had on my foot. I went to a specialist and had it frozen multiple times, even burning my foot in the process but nothing would work. It lasted for years. Then one day it just disappeared!

    7. Yeah I also had this with my warts as a teenager. They were resistant too many different treatments and I had like 21 of varying sizes across my hands. Eventually my immune system seems to have just gotten its act together and they disappeared without a trace (!), not even scarring, within weeks. They were gone before I realized they had shrunk and disappeared.

    8. nomadicquandaries on

      My doctor had me put duct tape on mine when I was a kid. It helps to suffocate them.

    9. Did your hand get excessively cold? When I was in my early teens I got warts on my feet(probably from the gym shower). They disappeared after I went out to try and start up my snowmobile in -35 degrees Celsius, wearing only thin shoes. Unsurprisingly it took a while to get it started, so my feet were probably pretty close to mild frostbite.

    10. righteouspower on

      I fucking hate warts, glad your’s are on the decline! I had like 20 warts on my foot when I was in middle school, took years to defeat them and it left a scar in the spot unfortunately

    11. Had a wart on the underside of my foot for 10ish years. Terrible spot, hurt to walk sometimes. To this day I still walk a little weird because I learned to plant my foot at an unusual angle to take pressure off it.

      Tried everything to get rid of it and one day it just started going away and was gone in a week.

    12. Gadget-NewRoss on

      Had a similar thing happen me in the last 6 months just disappeared and are now gone. Wouldnt even notice where they were now.

    13. I had a planters wart when I was young. I was only aware of it for a week or two before the entire wart turned blue. I picked at it and it peeled out of my skin. Underneath it was freshly grown skin. Left a nearly perfect crater in my foot.

    14. I had loads of warts on my hands in my early to mid teens, probably the most embarrassing time to have them. Tried all sorts of over the counter remedies which mostly did nothing. Finally got around to booking an appointment with the doctor to get them looked at, and between that call and the appointment they all vanished. Nothing since.

    15. Empty_Success759 on

      Not a word of advice, just my experience:
      My warts disappeared after an intense MDMA roll. I had 3 on my neck and 2 on my fingers. Woke up and they just detached.

    16. I used to have a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot for years. I became homeless and got trench foot and my feet got so bad that the plantar wart just up and disappeared.

    17. UnravelledGhoul on

      I used to have a wart on each thumb, doctor tried freezing them a few times, but they never went away.

      I ended up taking a blade, some home freeze spray and some other home remedies. Over the course of a few weeks, I hacked away at them.

      That was about 10 years ago, and they never came back, no scars or anything.

    18. I struggled with them for countless years, got them from a public pool as a kid. I tried so many things but they always came back.

      They disappeared overnight. I noticed it one random morning, my feet and hands were completely smooth. It’s crazy and surreal how sudden it was. Felt incredible.

      Finally put two and two together; the only new thing I had started doing at the time was eating lots of bananas each morning. I believe that potassium was the answer for me.

    19. Whoa_PassTheSauce on

      To anyone with a ton of warts on their hand or elsewhere…ask your dermatologist about cidofivir. It is an anti-viral that can be compounded into a gel.

      I, for months, got these horribly painful nitro treatments that just sucked. I had well over 10 warts on my hands, and it was like sticking my hands in a yellow jacket nest every month trying to get rid of them. My dermatologist then had me try this off label treatment and literally within 1-2 months, warts gone. Some had been on my hands for perhaps 10 years, we were both shocked at how quickly it worked.

    20. I had warts when I was younger all over my right hand. They all disappeared after spending pretty much the whole of my summer holiday playing in the sea.

    21. I had this really stubborn wart on my thumb for years. Tried everything. Always survived or came back.

      And then it just started fading away like a bad memory randomly, and I never saw it again. It’s been years.

    22. I had a few warts on my left palm when I was younger, one day at school I just said fuck it and dug ’em out with a pen. Worked like a charm.

    23. I used to have a wart on my middle finger palm side. It was there for years and would never die even with freezing etc. I even tried digging it out but it would always grow back.

      Then I went on a sun holiday, 2 weeks of sun and sea and on the flight home I noticed it was gone!

    24. I had verrucaes on the balls of my feet for years since I was 7years old, six on one foot and two or three on the other. Painful stuff. One day, 14years later, they just disappeared, felt like I woke up one morning and they just peeled off completely without scaring or any sign they were ever there in the first place 🙂

    25. am i the only one who performs self surgery and rips that shit clean off? I make sure to sanitize and bandage it after, but i have zero patience for that stuff. Rarely leaves a scar either, if not a tiny one.

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