God has spoken

    by rhino910


    1. Upbeat_Map_348 on

      It was either God or the dems pointed their weather altering machines at that building in revenge.
      /s just in case.

    2. NovelRelationship830 on

      Good thing they gave Eric that job, because now out of gratitude he will donate money to help them rebuild, right?

    3. Just saw the sheriff on the Weather Channel. What a tool. He was singing the praises of Ron DeSantis, getting all the resources to his area. There is nothing about the federal response. He is a total MAGAts boot licker. He tried to downplay his building collapse.

    4. i wonder what pam olsen, right wing psycho, deep within the GOP mechanism would say about all of that godly punishment on trump supporters and floridians. she supports rick perry, donald trump and ron desantis. she’s a stop the steal weirdo, and appointed to ron desantis’ florida faith based community advisory council.


      >If anybody looks at the news and has just seen what’s been happening recently with the floods, the fires, the tornadoes, God is shaking. Yeah I think you have God shaking, sure you have the Enemy shaking, you have both and I don’t want to say oh that’s the judgment of God or that’s the Enemy. But the reality is God is judging us, and I think it’s going to get worse.


      >Pam Olsen, who has been leading prayer at the Capitol[Tallahassee] for 27 years, leads a group of Trump supporters in prayer in front of the Old Capitol during the Stop the Steal protest in Tallahassee Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021.




    5. Conservatives when a natural disaster happens

      > this happened because of the trans caravan

      Conservatives when they accidentally get a 12 piece even though they ordered a 6 piece chicken nugget

      > this happened because of god

      No rhyme or reason, folks.

    6. Evangelicals: Lord, give is a sign!
      God: *destroys the building*
      Evangelicals: Lord, give us another sign!

    7. If anyone can find that infernal Democrat Weather Machine, it’s gotta be Deputy Eric. This is personal now.

    8. Clearly it’s because they’re both gay and god hates them. Everyone knows that’s how tornados work.

    9. I do love how all this stuff happening to Florida can be viewed as God smiting florida for being a shithole of a state… but nope apparently it’s the government controlling the weather

    10. I hope every one of those vehicles is trashed, and that FEMA doesn’t give them a dime. That sheriff deserves what the Weather Gods have given him.

    11. MediocreTheme9016 on

      I was thinking about this last night when I heard about the tornado there. Do you think Eric is helping with the rescue and recovery operations 🤣 I can’t even say that with a straight face

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