No, I cannot believe you’re still saying this

    by Pessimist2020


    1. I can’t believe that bloviating orange braindead chucklefuck was actually our President once.

    2. Admirable_Nothing on

      It is so totally scary that we have such a supply of stupidity in the United States today to have people sit still while he spews shit like this constantly.

    3. I thought the bs litter box for kids identifying as cats was going to be the most outlandish lie they were going to come up with about public schools and then Trump said hold my soiled diaper and came out with something even crazier. Schools can’t even afford school supplies without teachers using their own money but they have fully stocked operating rooms and medical staff on duty to perform sex change operations…

    4. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      No, I cannot believe you are actually saying this, and that people are actually believing you. How gullible and hate-filled would you have to be for this to work on you? 😐

    5. Pay American teachers more! American lack so much education and lag so far behind the rest of the world that they have no critical thinking defence to this bullshit

    6. So a public school that is chronically underfunded to the point where teachers have to buy supplies and other equipment has doctors, nurses and surgical facilities and equipment ready to do an operation that technically takes months do so because of the HRT that needs to happen first – AND is fully healed and can go home at the end of the day.

      Are people really this stupid…..?

    7. Responsible_Okra7725 on

      They will double, triple and quadruple down on lies. The more you say it, they will believe it.

    8. Successful-Doubt5478 on

      And the horor of their son transitioning to the gender they thinking is of less value…

    9. It’s crazy that we have to buy most of our kids school supplies and teachers have to provide their own. But they are giving out complex surgeries in public school for free? Come on man.

    10. Own-Cupcake7586 on

      My kid can’t take an aspirin at school without a notarized letter of consent. Wharton needs to revoke your degree.

    11. Every little story he tells always comes with the line “can you believe it?”. Anytime he says “can you believe it?” It’s not a line of astonishment, he is requesting that his audience really believe it, as it is a lie.

    12. Not an American but you are telling me that a country who does not have free universal healthcare (like most of the civilised world) is *checks notes* giving FREE sex changes to kids for “reasons”? So you go in as a boy, come out a girl, then what, next day you go back in as the girl and come back out as a boy? How often do they do it? Do they chop and change daily, weekly? Can adults come and get these free sex changes?

    13. Gee, attacking powerless people is such a brave, manly, Republican thing to do. It plays really well with the Cult, and many/most/all of the base, but I think a lot of people are waking up and realizing that his insane lies are just that, insane lies, even the corporate media is starting to put a toe in the water and admitting it.

    14. If I was an American, I’d be more outraged at the socialised medicine he’s claiming is happening!!!

    15. Why does everyone here think he is talking about surgery? Seems to me he is talking about pronouns.

    16. itsgottaberealnow on

      They push the envelope further and further to see how stupid their voters really are

      And they are never disappointed

    17. I 100% believe he’s saying this because he knows there are enough morons to believe it and give him money.

    18. I think conservatives can have a legitimate concern about how gender ideology is being pushed in education and media, but they would better off if they backed a reasonable candidate that didn’t speak hyperbolic nonsense all the time… It’s difficult to take anything seriously when Trump talks about it.

    19. Schools struggle to pay for pencils, paper and books but have the resources to fund medical procedures in the American healthcare system? How does that work?

    20. Just in:

      US Americans Schools operate on students and change the gender for free without the consent of the parents.

      To be a US American Teacher you need to be able to shoot and to operate on kids. And teach the kids to make the USA great again and have babies.

    21. I can believe it, humanity never ceases to disappoint me, as it continues to act against itself.

    22. International_War862 on

      Is that the actual quote? And why do those turds not realize how unintelligible he sounds?

    23. Damnit, I’m just getting my kids ready for school now. Unfortunately, both my daughters are identifying as “its” today. What will they come back as?

    24. silentboyishere on

      Where are all those parents and the kids to whom this has happened? Are they being censored or what’s the excuse for nobody being able to show any evidence of this being true?

    25. Academic_Release5134 on

      People need to take this serious. This is what Elon describes. There are parents out there that are very susceptible to this rhetoric.

    26. OpticalPrime35 on

      Oh, look, Trump is lying again

      Seriously, has there ever been a candidate that ran an entire platform that was just nonstop lies?

      I’m trying to think of anything he’s said lately that is actually true and not exaggerated or an outright lie. And amazingly, it is hard to actually think of anything

    27. Need to vote. It’s incredible that he is in the lead. Billionaires like Elon trying to buy the election.

      Vote fucking blue if you give a shit.

    28. If the child was a he, and came back a she, why is Trump referring to the child as an “it”.

    29. People with common sense can’t believe he’s still saying this. It’s bullshit. He knows it, we know it.

      MAGAts don’t care.

    30. this buffoon just makes shit up. Why doesn’t the press ask him to provide even a single example of this happening?

    31. It’s like repeatedly saying Democrats are aborting babies weeks before or just after birth. It’s a lie but if he repeats the lie often enough his fans will believe it as undeniable truth.

    32. AdvancedHeresy on

      At least growing up with this nonsense i learned to ask questions like “which schools are doing this?”

      i heard schools are having giant litter boxes for children. People telling me this kept saying they would go find the schools doing this but i never heard of one actual identifiable school doing it and those people never came back with sources.

      Same question “which schools are doing this?”

      “how do they have money to do sex changes on kids but not afford things like lunches for the students?”

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