It is incomprehensible..

    by BarronGreen89


    1. This is going to be controversial but I have to say it. I am fine with leaving your own country to a better country for a better life, as my parents did that for me during the Vietnam war. They followed procedures and signed up properly.

      You can’t just illegally enter someone’s home and expect them to emphasize with you right? The frowned upon thing isn’t for crossing borders, but crossing borders illegally. Nobody wants to be the one to tell a war stricken family that they have to be deported.

    2. Seriously. I can barely scrape up the courage to fucking commit to moving to another state when I have money and a moving truck and all that shit. I can’t even imagine how someone can just pack up their child and cross a dangerous landscape into a country that hates them, while having nothing at all.

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