Dentist visit gone horribly wrong

    by VastCoconut2609


    1. “Numbing doesn’t work” said at 19th second – that is often just a matter of time.

      I have to wait for 20 minutes for any dentist anaesthesia to kick in. Learned the hard way in early teens that adding more and more injections doesn’t make it faster, just more numb for longer. This seems to be a similar case.

      Edit: she does look like a Grinch, though.

    2. Anyone want to bet the dentist gave her a little too much because of her outfit?
      That eye movement!

    3. I was at the dentist once and when they gave me Novocaine, he missed the nerve. Nothing went numb. He did it again. Same thing. Again. Same thing. After the 4th shot, I think all of them took effect. I was numb from my neck to the top of my head for about 5 hours. I got home and my wife thought I had a stroke because my face looked like this lady’s.

    4. First thing I ever got multiple anesthetic injections for was a root canal.

      I thought “Oh, this isn’t too bad” then it hit the nerves and the anesthetic hadn’t numbed those yet. The nice thing about an open wound is you can get the anesthetic right in there with no more stabbing.

      After the procedure was my face was numb for several hours and I’m not really sure if I was fit to be driving even though it was purely a local.

    5. KennKennyKenKen on

      Every time this video gets posted, it’s just judgey comments about her bra.

      Who gives a shit what she wears, she’s basically getting a semi-stressful medical procedure, not a job interview.

      Who gives a fuck, wear whatever you’re comfortable in.

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