Trump now claims “900 million” people viewed his Twitter interview with Elon Musk

    by MoreMotivation


    1. That’s nearly three times the population of the entire fucking country. 🙄

      I genuinely can’t tell sometimes if this asshole is just lying to prop up his ego or if he really is this sick and delusional.

    2. I actually didn’t because I don’t care about either of these 🤡

      I’m actually hoping something terrible happens to both of them.

      Pretty sure it’ll happen they are perfect Darwin Award candidates

    3. GrownThenBrewed on

      Let’s assume this is true (it’s not), what percentage of those views are bots? 80%? 90%?

    4. View numbers on twitter mean nothing at this point since Elon cooks them with how he has set things up, pretty much puts HIS own tweets or preferred tweets he wants people to see in everyone’s feed, and just scrolling past a tweet pretty much counts as a view

    5. I just want a license for the analytics package. My clients would be amazed by my SEO savvy.

    6. I know of only 1 person who watched it and he complained it kept crashing because of the gubberment so I don’t take him seriously.

    7. The “fun” part is all those views are just using every metric of Twitter to inflate it. If something like that interview crosses your feed, that’s a view; they even count you viewing something multiple times as unique views, lol. And iirc, for this interview, Leon was going as far as counting any posts/hashtags talking about the interview as a “view” as well.

    8. wallstreet-butts on

      For those not in the know, shortly after he took over, Elon started counting anyone seeing a piece of content in their feed as a “view”, even if they just scroll on past (what used to be called Impressions). It doesn’t mean these accounts actually watched or engaged with the content for any appreciable amount of time, and they have also made it harder to avoid any content Elon wants Twitter (I refuse to call it X) users to see.

    9. Don’t forget he’s the best with numbers. Numbers like nobody has seen before. Bigly numbers. What a fucking moron.

    10. Can we stop posting every little press release from his idiot already. It’s just free publicity, best thing is to ignore most of what he has to say.

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