I’m speechless and absolutely disgusted

    by Cupcakkes_Pussy


    1. What they’re saying is that the *idea* of something they don’t fully understand is somehow worse than an abysmal reality. They’re saying their *fantasy* of what an abortion is, is worse than the horrors of a living victim’s experience

    2. It isn’t as horrible as having an abortion.

      It’s far, far worse.

      With an abortion, the fetus is not aware of the world around it, is not actually a sentient being at all, it only has the potential to become that.

      It doesn’t feel fear, or pain, or betrayal.

      A 13 year old girl absolutely does.

    3. When I brought up this type of situation to my mom and stepdad they said “two wrongs don’t make a right”

    4. DiscoveryBayHK on

      “As horrible as it was, at least it’s not as horrible as abortion.” MOTHER FUCKER! Whoever that commenter was, they clearly want to diddle little children. Sickening.

    5. GlassObject4443 on

      Dude sure has a strong opinion about something he will never have to experience. It’s so easy to stand on your principles when someone else suffers the consequences.

    6. Abortion is healthcare. And abortion does not only apply to viable fetuses. When they have long lost their heart beat a doctor can not abort the fetus although it is not alive and is threatening the future fertility or life of the mother. They literally have to wait until the body expells the inviable fetus or the mothers life will be moments away from death with a lot of these laws now. This is why we have seen a rise in an already high mortality rate in pregnancy since these laws have gone into effect.
      The sad part is these politicians are all old enough (60+)to know this was the case before the Roe v Wade in the 1970’s. We have actress that in talk shows communicating on their complications pre r v. w.

      There are too many factors that could go wrong with a pregnancy that abortion should be the informed decision of the healthcare provider and the one who is pregnant because they are educated to the patients needs. This shouldn’t be a political point it is medical care!

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