Elections Have Results

    by Manofpans44


    1. These are trump‘s pet judges. They on the other hand see themselves as undercover agents for Christian nationalism. When Trump loses, Bigley, and the Democrats take the house, the Senate and the presidency, Trump‘s little legal bitches are gonna be in for a bad time. In the past they had respect. That is gone now. Texas has shown that you don’t have to follow their rules. The rest of the country is going to follow suit.

    2. saveMericaForRealDo on

      It’s not too late yet. Cut through the misinformation!

      Don’t relive 2016. Don’t get complacent. Get out of your comfort zone.

      Talk to friends and family and sell them on Harris.

      She has an economic plan approved by hundreds of economists.

      It’s comprehensive. And she doesn’t just say “tariffs, tariffs, tariffs “ because unlike Trump, she understands that would make imports more expensive for Americans and lead to higher inflation.

      Plus she doesn’t threaten to end the first amendment like Trump has when he threatened to imprison journalists, critics and non-Christians.

      Plus she doesn’t threaten to end the Second amendment like when he said in Feb 2018 “take the guns first, due process later.”

      Plus she doesn’t threaten to terminate the entire Constitution like Trump did in December 2022. you know, the whole “we the people “ document folks have on their bumper sticker.

      Jon Stewart did a really good segment on how the candidates are being warped by the media.

      We can do this.


      Edit: —————-

      Sources for economy:



      Sources for Trump limiting the first Amendment:




      Also he is saying Harris voters are going to get hurt.


      In case you are going to bring up food prices:


      In case you are going to bring up Rent increases:


      In case you are going to bring up Ukraine :


      Harris didn’t threaten to censor Twitter:


    3. Remember when John Roberts told us that a judge’s job is just to “call balls and strikes” and not make law from the bench, and then he started making law from the bench?

    4. *“The Union dies.*

      *The God-Emperor takes power.*

      *Hail the Nightmare.*

      *Now even God cannot Save America.”*

    5. Also not bowing out for a replacement when you had the chance.

      A oft-overlooked aspect of why we’re the state we’re in was Ruth Bader Ginsberg refusing to retire during Obama’s term and then going on to die during Trump’s, helping pave the way for this to happen.

      I get hindsight is 20/20 but I don’t know what she was expecting to happen given she was 87 when she died.

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