Newborn looking at the camera like I’m on The Office

    by JennyBeckman


    1. OfficiallyJoeBiden on

      That first tweet fucking sits with me. Then I look like an asshole for taking myself out of the situation

    2. _window_shopper on

      Ugh have you ever been out with a large group with no concrete plans? You end up looking like the bad guy for not wanting to go.

      I interned at this place, and there were 17 of us interns. The first night out, everybody is trying to go out to eat. Now there aren’t many places that can seat 17 people with no reservation, especially in a major city. When I saw the group had no plans, I called it a night and just ate at my hotel.

      Lo and mf in behold, a different intern said everyone thought it was rude I didn’t stay with the group despite nobody having any idea where to go for dinner and no reservations to speak of.

      Just don’t invite me if there are no concrete plans. I hate just standing around waiting for large groups to come to a consensus. And lemme tell you, with 17 big personalities, it’s very hard to find something everyone agrees on.

    3. Now look at us…adults stressing tf out and ain’t shit going right in the world anymore

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