Respect to MF DOOM popcorn cup

    by Datacra


    1. “Word to El Muerto cucaracha, exoskeleton
      He know, flow, like inter stellar wind”

      Never be another like him

    2. Youngthicksandwitch on

      Yall know the plot of the original gladiator is the backdrop of a slave rebellion that was brutally put down? (not the movie per say but the history the movie is based on) some historical estimates put the number of rebel slaves at well over 100,000

    3. “Maximus, are you pondering what I’m pondering?
      Yes, but why would the darn thing keep wandering”

    4. I suggest ya change ya diet
      It can lead ta high blood pressure if ya fry it
      Or even a stroke, heart attack, heart disease
      It ain’t no startin back once arteries start ta squeeze

    5. ![gif](giphy|d7mMzaGDYkz4ZBziP6)

      Every mother fucka in the theatre lobby before the movie:

    6. Travelin_Soulja on

      I was gonna wait for streaming, but I might just buy a couple tickets to get one of these!

      Mm… food.

    7. Kernels and corn and salt with butter

      Feral freaky porn and assault with scissor cutters

      MF, all caps is the best

      Extra butter on popcorn

      Straight to my chest

      We’re equals, so don’t be a hater

      Don’t be a bad sequel, entertain us gladiator

      I’m drunk, so don’t tell me who dies

      Already seen one death: KSI’s

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