[OC] Software Engineer Pay Choropleth Heatmap Across the United States

    by zuhayeer


    1. The compensation data is sourced from [Levels.fyi](http://levels.fyi/), and the tools I used to create this are Leaflet.js, OpenStreetMap, Nielsen DMA regional GeoJSON borders (https://github.com/PublicaMundi/MappingAPI/blob/master/data/geojson/us-states.json), HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The map is filtered to the 75th percentile of total compensation for software engineers in each region.

      You can view the heatmap live at [https://levels.fyi/heatmap/](https://levels.fyi/heatmap/)

    2. phasmantistes on

      How did you decide what the choropleth regions would be? They don’t correspond to counties, state or federal congressional districts, or any other obvious regional divider I’ve thought of. It feels like it makes very little sense for a region named “Greater Portland Area” to go all the way to the Nevada border, and that’s just a region I’m familiar with — I’m sure folks in other places have similar questions about regions they’re familiar with.

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