Open the schools

    by Throwaway_09298


    1. Yet, they somehow have failed to sit over Mar-a-Lardo in Palm Beach County or MTG’s district in Georgia, where they would if the Blue states manipulating the controls wanted them to have the greatest impact.

    2. Because all of these states are under control by Fox News and GOP propaganda outlets. Fox thinks they own the joint and it’s their personal property. It’s time to start loosening that iron grip.

    3. Hey-Now-Right-Now on

      I heard it was only targeting Red “Welfare” States that demand money from Blue States. “They” are cleaning house.

    4. pine-cone-sundae on

      Don’t you find it a bit odd so many red states line the coastline of an actual ocean that has had hurricanes since the fucking Pliocene Era- and they still happen today? My god, the stupidity.

    5. heismanwinner82 on

      It’s also “abit” odd that lake effect snow hits Blue States the hardest. Does zombie Ronald Reagan control the Jewish snow lasers?

    6. So odd how all of these “red states” are all along the gulf and North America’s closest border to the Caribbean, which is historically known for its heat, humidity, hurricanes, and floods. Odd that there’s a disproportionate amount of “ white conservatives” in these “southern” states… Hmmm… something really fishy here…

    7. Anyone find it odd that volcanoes only erupt in Blue States? When is a volcano going to erupt in Idaho or Kentucky?

    8. Available-Elevator69 on

      They should do a scientific experiement and make all them states blue and see if anything changes. /s

    9. pithynotpithy on

      The good news it that the red states who are being blown up by powerful hurricanes are moving swiftly to *checks notes*

      Remove the words “Climate Change” from all official documents and doing absolutely nothing to mitigate storm impact. Great job Ronny D!.

    10. basketfullofbread on

      Oh sorry lemme just control it to jump the red states and hit the blue ones /s

    11. when natural disasters hit blue states, it’s god’s will and a punishment from god for the sins of those states. when natural disasters hit red states, it’s of course a liberal conspiracy.


      one of my favorite, schadenfreude stories:

      # US pastor, who believes floods are God’s punishment, flees flooded home

      >**US pastor Tony Perkins, who believes natural disasters are sent by God to punish gay people, has fled his flooded home in Louisiana.**

      >In 2015 he caused controversy when he agreed with a statement that natural disasters are sent by God as punishment for abortion and gay marriage.

      >Mr Perkins has revealed that he was forced to escape his property in a canoe with his family.


    12. Sassy_Weatherwax on

      Weren’t these assholes JUST crowing about how Helene drowned Asheville, NC because of “teh gayz”?

    13. Republicans before Trump: Climate change is a hoax, humans aren’t that powerful.

      Republicans after Trump: Jewish Space Lasers designed by Democrats are making hurricanes.

      Trump has truly and thoroughly destroyed the Republican Party.

      The party is now both a global joke and a threat to global peace.

    14. thiscouldbemassive on

      If democrats really did have the power to control the weather, it would be really, really stupid to vote Republican.

    15. Maybe it disproportionately hits red states because the people who vote blue were smart enough to move out of the states that get hit by hurricanes every year for centuries

    16. I hate this red state/blue state bullshit.

      Texas was 52% for Trump, Florida was 51% for Trump in the last election.

      Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, ok you can call these “red states” but the bigger ones are not hugely off of 50-50. It’s not red vs. blue it is rural vs. urban.

    17. I saw this in another sub. If dems control the weather, and the orange buffoon says he’s the smartest and hires the smartest. How come no Republicans are smart enough to stop said weather machine? Now that’s a conspiracy, dems smart Repubs dumb

    18. There’s an easy way to fix that…just let Florida, Georgia, and Texas all shift to the left and go blue. Then it’ll be pretty rare for a hurricane to hit a red state.

    19. ScarletteDemonia on

      I never thought I would see hurricanes turn into a political argument but here we are

    20. Why do hurricanes go after the states that spend the least on education? It’s the rich, educated elite states that are hoarding all of the hurricane repellent, bastards…

    21. thelegend27lolno on

      Start voting blue and see how quickly these hurricanes start hitting blue states.

    22. Funny how act of God has suddenly disappeared from these God fearing folks’ arguments.

    23. Yeah, and California gets lots of wild fires and earthquakes. Do conservatives have arsonists and earthquake machines to screw over democrats? /s

    24. Due-Designer4078 on

      They’d rather believe that Democrats are somehow controlling the weather than acknowledge the reality of climate change…

    25. Blade_of_Onyx on

      So according to this dip shits theory, Democrats are smart enough to come up with weather controlling technology, but Republicans aren’t.

      Guess that makes it easy to decide who to vote for

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