If you cheated on your nursing wife, don't vote.

    by GNPTelenor


    1. Oh my fucking god. If you think a) the baby is easy, and b) for some weird, unfathomable reason your wife doesn’t have time for you when you just had a baby, you really have absolutely no functioning brain whatsoever.

      Not to mention the fact that at 8 weeks pp many, if not most, women are still healing and sore from birth. Let him have sex after his dick has been ripped open less than 8 weeks ago. We’ll see how that goes.

      Dammit it just sucks that this asshole managed to procreate.

    2. Scott got owned by the internet and deleted his account like the little wimp he appears to be.

    3. Hi Scott.

      Baby mom is ignoring you because she’s hoping you will just go away. She has come to the stark realization of who and what you are, and is full regret and remorse.

      You should leave this poor woman alone, so she and baby have a chance of an ordinary life.

      In the future be sure to let a woman know what a pathetic little man you are, before she does anything silly like letting you trick her into sex, and you ruin even more lives.

      HTH x

    4. auguriesoffilth on

      The baby isn’t really hard work at all. But for some reason my wife seems too busy to fuck me or pay me attention…

      Hmmm I wonder if there could be a correlation between these two things… nope. Probably reasonable for me to just cheat then I guess.

      – Scumbag Scott.

    5. greatnowimdying on

      the fact this was immediately taken to a “don’t vote” statement just hurts my head.
      nothing here states anything about voting, why tf did you bring politics into it.

    6. AValentineSolutions on

      Hey Scott, if you can’t handle not having your dingus touched for 8 weeks and are already considering cheating, then being a father and a partner isn’t for you. Hope she finds a man who will appreciate having a child with them.

    7. Disastrous-Panda5530 on

      Of course a baby is easy when you aren’t the one taking care of the baby

    8. Head_Razzmatazz7174 on

      Too many men have NO CLUE what happens during pregnancy and childbirth. There should be mandatory ‘expectant father classes’ for the men.

      Even if you think you know, there will probably be a few things discussed that you had no idea could possibly happen.

    9. Real talk: postpartum depression is real! Never underestimate it. Ever. Best thing you can do is be patient, supportive, caring, and loving. It will pass, but until it does, holy fucking shit can it be bad!!! Side note, don’t hold the words of a woman suffering from it against her later on.

    10. Not sure about sexual needs but I’d be getting moody after 8 weeks of no cuddling…..surely he’s also asking for that right? ……….right?

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