Yes. Yes there is.

    by OrangeCone2011


    1. Humanity_NotAFan on

      [Logan Act](

      >Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

      Jail these goddamn traitors already.

    2. Guilty-Routine-1762 on

      Reminds me of the time I said to my friends, “There’s no law against just standing around.”

    3. MediocreTheme9016 on

      Yeah now let’s look at Jared and Stephen and ask HTF they got $2 billion to ‘manage’ for the Saudi government

    4. “Has he spoken to any other World Leaders since leaving office?”

      “Of course not, it’s not his job”

      “Do you see the concern people would have with him speaking to Putin and only Putin?”

      “Yes, but I’m going to pretend I don’t”

    5. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      Bold faced liar. JD knows that Trump’s behavior is illegal under the Logan Act. Surprisingly, even Trump knows the Logan Act, as evidenced by his threat to use it against John Kerry in 2019.

    6. Scared-Pollution-574 on

      Oh the irony of a maga supporter suggesting talking about your issues instead of resorting to violence.

    7. PaysanneDePrahovie on

      No, it’s nothing wrong to take care of today’s Hitler’s good health while he’s killing millions of people! Nothing wrong at all.

      You dumb mascara wearing couch fucker, that guy should had been treated with the Qasem Soleimani treatment! Not taking care of his health. Jesus Christ!!!

    8. “What? What’s the problem? I’m just calling world leaders, what’s the problem? What, me?“ This guy literally sounds like some movie bully.

    9. Ok_Teacher_6834 on

      Diplomacy is for when sitting heads of state communicate with each other for mutual goals.

      Sedition is when a person not a head of state contacts a head of state in hopes of rigging elections to you and what favors are going to be given afterwards.

    10. Jesus Diego is a total embarrassment to Ohio. Ohio needs Recall legislation to the constitution

    11. It seems to be illegal unless it’s a Republican candidate doing the negotiations.

      LBJ found out Nixon’s campaign was negotiating with Vietnam to continue the war until after the elections so they could get a better deal.

      Reagan’s campaign contacted Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the elections promising better terms. Does Iran/Contra ring a bell.

      Trump is constantly meddling in negotiations, both domestic and international. Asking Putin to interfere with elections. Asking Netanyahu to not do a cease fire in Gaza. Telling congress to not pass laws or budgets to make Democrats look bad.

    12. CNN had some crappy Republicans on defending Trump talking to Putin …”he was doing it for the good of America”.

      CNN has become a gross network feeding off this monster’s orange teet.

    13. When your VP candidate pretends to not understand the law in an attempt to appease stupid people.

    14. I was raised with the ideal that when someone betrays your country by selling secrets and goods to a known terrorist entity… You hang them until dead. I am autistic so maybe I’m fuzzy on the rules. Did we not see the Cheeto incite people on January 6th along with his cohort of bulk purchased scum? Hasn’t he flat out refused the will of the people and attempted a takeover? Isn’t he trying to buy the presidency through political connections and threats? Even the MAGA crowd should be able to see that he doesn’t stand behind anything he says once pressured and he is a coward by nature. I honestly wonder if we’re about to see him installed against the will of the people under false pretenses. Will anybody do anything then or will we just groan as he strip mines this country in the name of foreign wealth. What an America we have become.

    15. If you engage in diplomacy on behalf of a country that hasn’t given you the authority to, yeah that’s kind of a problem.

    16. Especially if the MF in question is *still in possession of classified materials* when he does.

    17. genghiskhan_1 on

      Every time one of these mf says something like this, imagine if Obama had been doing anything like this. they would have CONSTANTLY skewered him on every media platform possible.

    18. Garbage-Striking on

      If Obama had contacted Putin 7 times in the last four years, republicans would lose their shit.

    19. Remember when the Rosenbergs engaged in “diplomacy” with the Soviet Union? What a couple of patriots, just like Trump.

    20. The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen.

    21. Accomplished-Ad1919 on

      They’ve normalized traitorous behavior to the point where smooth brain MAGAs will accept anything they say.

    22. Why is “even if it’s true” always part of their denial for something reprehensible.

    23. He acts like everybody forgot crimea and putins “military exercise” at the border of ukraine thats been going on for years now.

    24. justixthegreat on

      It doesn’t matter nothing ever happens to him even when he clearly admits to breaking laws 🤦🏽

    25. CancerousOcean00 on

      Fucking traitors, the lot of them. What the fuck happened to the party of the red scare, the party that absolutely despised communism?

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