They got me in the first half not gonna lie.

    by No_Alternative1597


    1. I like to think of it as natural selection running its course. Although it really is sad that it had to come down to the weaponization of misinformation for political gain.

    2. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      Make room for the MAGAs riding out Milton on their boats in Tampa Bay. FREE DUMB!

    3. Never thought I’d witness a wide-scale example of natural selection impact a presidential election in my lifetime, but here we are.

    4. Puzzleheaded-Top944 on

      At least we saved **Putin** by sending him COVID-19 supplies—when we were short ourselves! Trump never sent **hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine,** though. Nope, he sent the COVID-19 vaccine.

    5. Powerful-Soup-8767 on

      I’ve been saying this. The math encourages me. He lost the popular vote, killed hundreds of thousands of his supporters, lost the popular vote again, got dozens of his supporters incarcerated… I mean, how can the math possibly support his potential to win?

      NOT complacent! Going to vote my ass off. But still.

    6. Stimpinstein22 on

      I was just thinking about this yesterday. Over a million deaths. Subtract maybe a 250,000 as non-voters/young (I know that’s being generous). We’re left with 750,000. Id say 2/3 of those listened to their orange god and believed it was a cold and “fuck your face diapers, I’ll just take my horse dewormer.” Now, 1/2 a mil might seem a drop related to the almost 200 mil who will vote, but split among swing states, it may sway WI, MI, PA, NC, etc. Also, a lot of those new voters who replace this 500k are focused on abortion rights, common sense gun laws, and don’t want a rapist to be a leader…

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