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    by Afterswiftie


    1. Trump is just a boomer and/or criminally stupid person’s idea of a “powerful” politician.

      Instead, he’s a miserable failure of a business entrepreneur whose entire existence is a house of cards. And even those are flimsy.

      Trump has done nothing more than riled up stupid people to do his dirty work – which itself is meant to distract them while he robs the place blind and steals all the copper wiring from the walls. All while accusing everyone else of cheating him.

      I’m so ready for him to go away.

    2. That’s the gist of it.

      They don’t actually stand for anything, or want anything beyond “victory” – even if that victory makes their lives worse.

    3. Middle-Ad9381 on

      Let’s not give Trump the election again by giving more attention to all things Trump and none to Kamala. Hope we all can #LookAwayFromTheTrumpsterFire

    4. Yeah but he made it ok to hate brown people and he pisses off the libs. For that they’ll love him until dirt is being tossed on their coffins.

    5. I watched this video. It was so stupid, it was beyond ridicule. America is fucked if Trump gets in. The most fucked will probably be his supporters.

    6. These people are an embarrassment.

      If only they didn’t lack the basic self awesome to even begin to realize that.

    7. Biden is senile.

      Says the guy who spends 24 hours a day with very little sleep and shit posts angry messages on his social media hidey hole calling people vicious names all day.

      I think Trump should look up the meaning of the word “senile”, because he doesn’t know what it means.

    8. ConsciousReason7709 on

      I have never encountered a Trump supporter who lived in a world of common sense and logic. They truly are the most ignorant people you’ll ever meet and you cannot reason with them at all.

    9. CurseofLono88 on

      It tends to be bigotry, confusion, propaganda, and being uneducated.


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