Dark Brandon has never been more relatable🤣

    by Lena_Lena_A


    1. That isn’t a controversy CNN, Trump just literally is a walking-blabbering orange asshole, so Biden was being accurate.

    2. My mom was talking about a guy a day or two, calling him “that dickhead” and I was confused because that’s what she refers to my sister’s abusive ex as. She has dementia and we’d talked about him recently so I thought she was just talking about him again.

      Then she talks about seeing him on tv, and I’m like mom, who are you talking about? She’s like the guy, ya know, who used to be president. I damn near burst out laughing. 72 and losing her mind, but she still knows an asshole when she sees one. xD

    3. He could have won this election in a landslide if he just called Trump a “sick fuck” in public.

    4. Educational-Glass-63 on

      So me and my friends always refer to Trump as that old shit stained mfker. And yes, we are ALL boomers in our 60s.

    5. A lot of his supporters say the same thing, truth is many of them hate him, they just think he is their best shot currently to get what they want.

    6. DanielTheEunuch on

      It is the fucking truth, Trump will always be “that fucking asshole” to millions of Americans. In the future we will just call people “a trump” when we mean they are being a fucking asshole.

    7. I refer to him as the smelly rapist because he’s a rapist who smells like actual human shit.

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