He doesn’t like to be fact-checked, either!

    by GuiltyBathroom9385


    1. Can you imagine being a WH press corps journalist who has to share space with this liar?

    2. Puzzleheaded_Yam7582 on

      Its intentionally misleading but he didn’t say anything inaccurate. Contrast that with hatians eating pets – which is inaccurate. Different levels of bs.

    3. KJP has the patience of a saint. Why do these people even get a press pass? Does the National Enquirer get a press pass too?

    4. How does fuckin DOOCY still have press credentials? The White House can just point to lawyer statements in several trials where they say that “they are entertainment news and not news” and “no reasonable person would believe what’s said on Fox News” as reasoning for revoking it.

    5. Fox News isn’t even real news. They have to advertise themselves as News Entertainment. At what point do we start using this and just refuse to speak to them anymore? Stop inviting them to press secretary events. Stop calling on them for questions. Why doesn’t the government just shun these losers? They’re not better than a tabloid magazine at this point.

    6. onceinawhile222 on

      Should have sent Kellyanne to the interview she had experience with alternate facts.

    7. ThIsIsNoTrEaL-2024 on

      Trump & Co.: Treating stupid people the way they wish to be treated since 1968.

    8. Dontwakethekid on

      Just give him a piece of paper with turn over written on both sides and then move on to the next question.

    9. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      They did it to him here, and they’ve done it to his father before him. Why does MSM continue to spell Douchebag incorrectly?

    10. Good ol’ Dooce. Same arrogant schmuck across multiple administrations. His ass is handed to him so often it feels like he’s got some dom/sub kink going on, where he gets off on public humiliation.

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