The Jill Stein campaign officially takes the mask off

    by Spiderwig144


    1. Still feel shock whenever I see people like Kshama Sawant eagerly and openly serve White Supremacy’s biggest water carriers.🤦🏽‍♀️

    2. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      She was also last week talking about how she would look at pardoning January 6th participants

    3. LancelLannister_AMA on

      losing MI in isolation wouldnt be enough anyway. Harris would need to lose one or two more states for trump to win

    4. Any “Green” party that actually cares for the environment would if anything support the Democrats. The fact that they would want to help
      Democrats lose is a very clear sign (along with all the other evidence) that Jill/Green party (like RFK) are simply there to hurt Democrats and are quite possibly Russian assets.

    5. Stein’s like an electoral lich that shows up every four years to soak up votes and sow discord before and slinking back to her hole of irrelevance.

      If she felt so strongly about a legitimate third party, then she should be working on junking first-past-the-post and increasing voter registration and participation rather than meeting with the enemy heads of state and scarfing votes that are needed to keep a Christofascist theocracy from setting in.

    6. This is why 3rd parties are a wasted vote. They are only there to sabotage a candidate.

    7. fabulousfizban on

      It is about leveraging your electors into policy. Or would be, if stein wasn’t a grifter.

    8. Gladly, I had no idea this was still a campaign and this is the first time seeing the sawant persons name. Fighting for white supremacy! Pffft. Good lord politics had never evolved, just churning $$$, for greed and def not the greater good.

    9. I wonder if she’d be so eager to say “help Trump clinch the White House”. Saying ‘deny Harris the White House’ really buries the lede. .

    10. If you told me, 8 years ago, that the Libertarian Party would have more integrity than the Green Party, I wouldn’t have believed you…

      but hfs.

    11. Responsible-End7361 on

      So…vote Green party to oppose conservation, support oil drilling, oppose renewable energy, and support pollution?

      I didn’t know the Green party had become the pro-pollution, anti-environment party.

    12. This is going to sound ignorant…but how does this help the planet? The Green Party, at one point, was all about ecological preservation policy. Is it that far gone?

    13. Why doesn’t Jill Putin and her party of traitors just vote for Trump? Wouldn’t that be a lot less complicated and deceitful as that’s the end result anyway? Put on a MAGA hat and schedule another brunch with Putin, not like anyone is fooled by this.

    14. AnonAmbientLight on

      Don’t make me tap the sign.


      > Voters who are thinking of voting third party should ask themselves these three questions:

      > – **Can your candidate legally become president?** The Constitution says they need to win 270 Electoral College votes, which means they have to be on the ballot in enough states to potentially get to that number.

      > – **If they have a path to the presidency, do they have a plan to actually get there?** If they’re only campaigning in a single state and are polling in single digits, they don’t have a path to the presidency.

      > – **Do they have any kind of actionable policies and plans for if they do become president?** Can they actually achieve what they tell you they can do?

      > If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to those three questions, then you are throwing your vote away and making it more likely Trump will win.

      > Simple as.

    15. Michigan has me more scared than any other state. It has a huge population of Muslim-Americans who are (rightfully, IMO) angry about the U.S.’s lack of meaningful action to stop the devastation in Gaza.

      But as others have pointed out, there is no realistic choice for president in 2024 who is *good* on this issue. Harris is bad, to the extent that she is complicit in Biden’s actions (and inactions). Trump is WORSE.

      And that’s not getting into the issues where Harris is genuinely good, and the issues in which Trump is a walking, talking dumpster fire.

      Back in 2000, I voted for Nader. I can’t even completely blame youth; I was 26, and it was my third presidential election. I voted for Clinton twice. I even—I can’t believe I’m admitting this—thought it wouldn’t be so bad if Bush won, that maybe enough people would push back that the entire country could be moved to be more progressive.

      Yeah, I was SO. WRONG. I will never be able to take that vote back.

      In his recent Substack, [W. Kamau Bell said](, “Put the person in the bully pulpit that you have the best chance of bullying…. I believe that, between the two most viable choices to be president, Kamala Harris is the one we have the chance of forcing to make more correct choices through activism, protest, and organizing.” Louder, please, for everyone in the back who thinks we have a better choice.

    16. ThIsIsNoTrEaL-2024 on

      Trump & Co.: Treating stupid people the way they wish to be treated since 1968.

    17. IvanTheAppealing on

      Just seems like all the other parties in America are just closeted republicans trying to divide the democrat vote

    18. Jill Stein is a Putin operative. Anyone voting for her is voting for Putin. People are so horribly uniformed. There are pictures on the internet of her meeting with Putin.

    19. Wtf?

      I’m actually a member of the green party. There’s no way in hell I’m voting for Jill Stein. It’s too important., Harris and Walz have my vote.

    20. VaguelyArtistic on

      From 2017:

      [Jill Stein Isn’t Sorry](

      >In Michigan, Stein garnered more than 51,000 votes, while Clinton lost by fewer than 11,000. In Wisconsin, Trump’s margin was 23,000 votes while Stein attracted 31,000. And in Pennsylvania she attracted 50,000 votes, while Trump won by 44,000.

      >“In some ways, Trump is one of the best things to happen to this country because look at how many people are getting off their posteriors,” says Sherry Wells, the Green Party’s Michigan chairwoman. “So part of me is giggling.”

      >Stein points to national exit polling that shows the majority of her voters would have stayed home rather than vote for Clinton, while others would have sooner voted for Trump.

      Yes, I have had this in my notes, pinned to the top, including formatting, since then.

      A special fuck you to the people who actually told me. “I know SCOTUS and Roe are on the line but I’m not voting for that bitch.”

    21. LarrySupertramp on

      At this point, I think you’re a bigger idiot if you vote for stein than for Trump. Why vote for someone that 0% of winning and only ever pops up every four years? If she actually cared maybe she try to win an actual political position. Fuck Jill Stein and all the idiots that vote for her.

    22. Disgusting these people are not booed out of the room. I thought kshama sawant had more of a backbone. Shame on her.

    23. Sooooo Stein wants another Trump presidency? To what end? For what purpose? I’m so confused.

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