What the doctor pulled out of my nose today following a deviated septum fix

    by amberanthropophage


    1. amberanthropophage on

      Had a balloon sinus dilation about two weeks ago and the splints removed about a week ago. I’ve been doing sinus rinses three times a day and not much of anything has come out, but look at this jelly baby they found in there today! Hopefully my breathing improves even more!

    2. Did you feel instant relief when it was removed? This looks like a face-hugger booger!

    3. Did you go to a plastic surgeon for your deviated septum? My GF wants to fix her deviated septum and broken nose but insurance won’t cover the deviated septum.

    4. MonsterReprobate on

      I’m literally having this surgery next week. What am I looking at and how bad was recovery?

    5. Many years ago I had some sort of operation on my nasal cavity to remove polyps, but they also did some “straightening” while they were in there. Under strict instruction I was not supposed to blow my nose, and any dripping should have been allowed to go down the back of my throat. A week or so later I sneezed and something very much like that landed in the sink in front of me. I nearly called an ambulance! 🤣

    6. raisedbypoubelle on

      Why do I do this to myself? I don’t know what I expected to see when clicking on this picture. Right before dinner, too 🤢

    7. Joesaysthankyou on

      Wow! Pretty danm big. Had to be rough. I had a small, small one once. That was “No fun” at all
      Even my SO was being nice to me because of it!

      You doing okay now? Watch for bleeding. Won’t hurt you, but it cause pain, as well, when it dries, especially overnight.

      Hey, best of luck and best wishes. Get well fast from my SO, too.

      We’re both sending you an arro!

    8. aah I remember when I had a similar amount of tissue removed as a kid. Was painful bc they fucked up the local anasthesia but damn it felt so good to be able to breathe through my nose for the first time.

    9. If you look closely, you can see that’s only the worm’s head.. Doc needs to be more careful

    10. I had sinus and deviated septum surgery my junior year of college; I was speared in the face by a future NFL player who missed a tackle and hit me on the sideline instead.

      When the surgeon wasn’t able to get the packing out easily two weeks after the surgery, he just started pulling harder. It finally came out, along with a 1 cm diameter piece of my septum.

      The pain was intense.

    11. Had my septoplasty for a deviation of the septum a week before Xmas last year. Recovery was pretty rough but once the swelling went down it was life changing. For the first time in my life I can breathe properly and I can run.

      There was a 2.5 year wait for the surgery but I’d do it again if I had to.

    12. I had mine done earlier this year. The recovery is brutal, but I’ll be chasing the high of having these bad boys pulled out of my nose for the rest of my life. The most satisfying feeling ever

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