At a memorial service for 1200 people slain

    by thenewyorkgod


    1. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      Does he have to give a cringey thumbs-up in every goddamn picture? He’s such a tool.

    2. I mean, in his diseased mind he saw “They’re eating the dogs” became a triple platinum song. His brain is just actual human shit at this point…

    3. Gold-Perspective-699 on

      Next he’ll take a picture in Tampa Bay on top of the rubble that the new hurricane causes.

    4. In the video Turnip picks up one of the rabbis’ Talmud and asks him if he want him to *sign it.*

    5. His thumb is the single digit on his wrinkly geriatric ass that he uses the most. See the natural hook in his thumb. It’s because that is what he uses to tickle his prostrate.

    6. Everyone in this photo sucks. What Jewish person in their right mind invites a politician who is fully endorsed by Neo-Nazi’s? Mind boggling.

    7. ParticularAd8919 on

      Yeah…I know from the people at these events the name of the game is just “Hey, he’s a big wig. He’ll get our cause more attention. He’ll be able to get us what we want.” But still…I can’t imagine these folks (like the families at Arlington who invited him for that photo fiasco) don’t cringe inside at least somewhat at this. This is just weird behavior at events that are meant to be solemn.

    8. giving the thumbs up to? Iran? Hamas? Hez? Turkey? Russia? who is the thumbs up for Don Don?

    9. It’s like he has no other way to act for a picture… Cheesy smile and a thumbs up, no matter the context.

    10. FitBattle5899 on

      I swear the man has no soul, his go-to way to pretend to be human is a smile and a thumbs up, any candid photo of him is dead eyed and scowling.

    11. WiggityWiggitySnack on

      Nothing says “I am sorry for your loss” than Trump’s tiny thumb struggling to get up enough people can see it…

    12. Jgfranco88PkmnGo on

      What’s the mental gymnastics MAGArds do to square of the “Jews control everything” but are also staunch Israel supporters?

    13. livingMybEstlyfe29 on

      What the fuck is this shit? Imagine going to a funeral and someone takes a photo of you while you’re giving a thumbs up. Like what are you saying that it’s great a person died or something?

    14. UCthrowaway78404 on

      The Israelis were ecstatic after october 7 happened. they were selling plots of lands in gaza in private functions seeing at the golden goose that fell on their laps.

    15. Will he also be at the memorial service for the 50,000 civilians that were slain in retaliation? The World needs to collectively take it’s tongue out of Israel’s arsehole now.

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